IPDE: Identify & Predict NV Driver Education Curriculum Unit 4: Vision and Space Management Presentation 3 of 4 TOPICS: Hazard Recognition Classifying Information Points of Conflict
Driving is a Thinking Task Driving is a primarily a thinking task. Consider: Aim high in steering to look far down the road Keep your eyes moving to search for hazards Get the big picture to be aware of your surroundings Make sure others see you by using appropriate communication, lane position, and visibility Leave yourself an out to reduce risk of collision Images from: http://voiceonthego.com/blog/ Retrieved: 08/22/10
Hazard Recognition Video See Ford’s Driving for Life Hazard Recognition https://drivingskillsforlife.com/mediacenter1/video-gallery/Hazard-Recognition-/ (1:00) Intersections, Distractions, Hazards, Safety Zones Around Vehicle **link works with CCSD** Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability Ford image from: https://www.drivingskillsforlife.com/index.php?option=com_seyret&task=videodirectlink&Itemid=41&id=48 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing
I.P.D.E. Process The IPDE process is an organized system of: Seeing Thinking Responding The 4 steps of I.P.D.E. Identify Female driver image from: http://www.life123.com/career-money/insurance/auto-insurance/car-insurance-teenagers.shtml Male driver image from: http://woldcnews.com/DCnews/nigel/text-messaging-law-is-in-effect-but-hard-to-enforce/ Chart image from: Driver Right textbook 11th Edition Retrieved: 08/22/10 Predict Decide Execute
I.P.D.E. Identify Predict Execute Decide open and closed zones specific clues other users roadway features and conditions traffic controls Identify Use visual search pattern to identify actions of others change of direction points of conflict consequences of your actions Predict Use knowledge, judgment, and experience to predict control speed steer communicate combine actions Execute Execute your decision to change or maintain speed change direction communicate Decide Decide to use one or more actions to
I.P.D.E. - Identify The first step of the IPDE process is identify. You must know: When to look Where to look How to look What to look for Bus image from: http://otovid.com/monica/ Intersection image from: http://www.movinglikewater.com/?cat=22 Sunset image from: http://www.flickr.com/photos/reikilass/275783082/ Retrieved: 08/22/10
Use visual search pattern to identify Selective Seeing Selective seeing means identifying the information needed to be a safe driver. Know where to direct your search. Classify information into major groups. open and closes zones specific clues other users roadway features and conditions traffic controls Identify Use visual search pattern to identify Image from: http://www.aaroads.com/west/i-215olb_nv.html Retrieved: 08/22/10
Search for Important Factors Look for vehicle, pedestrians or other highway users that could move into or block your path. Image from: http://imnotsayin.blogspot.com/2008_11_01_archive.html Retrieved: 08/22/10
Line of Sight Your line of sight changes continuously as you drive. Be aware of potential blockage in your line of sight. Semi-truck image from: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/06/drafting_behind.php Resident image from: http://www.ctre.iastate.edu/mtc/reports/LIDAR_Safety.htm Bus image from: http://www.goinsurancerates.com/auto-insurance/car-insurance-fraud-for-dummies/ Retrieved: 08/22/10
Gather Information When driving in the city, search for: Intersections Parked cars Pedestrians Traffic Construction image from: http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2009/06/most_of_west_michigans_federal.html Intersection image from: http://elkodaily.com/news/local/article_d1eb33f0-9949-11df-bf52-001cc4c03286.html Retrieved: 08/22/10
Classifying Information Traffic elements can be classified into four groups: Signs, signals, and markings Roadway features Motorized vehicles Non-motorized roadway users Signs image from: http://www.timesignsmfg.com/ Road image from: http://www.seefloridago.com/photos/Detail.aspx?pid=2664 Freeway image from Mircosoft Gallery Dog image from: http://www.raisethehammer.org/article/943/ Retrieved: 08/22/10
Look for Traffic Controls Signs, signals and roadway marking provide information and remind drivers of the laws. Image from: http://www.aaroads.com/west/bl-080_nv.html Retrieved: 08/22/10
Look for Roadway Features Roadway features influence decisions, such as lane changes, slope, curves, traction, shoulders, glare, and potholes. Curve image from: http://www.aaroads.com/california/i-015ng_ca.html Construction image from: http://www.sethskim.com/ Pothole image from: http://www.politicsweb.co.za/politicsweb/view/politicsweb/en/page71619?oid=157114&sn=Detail Snow image from: http://gizmodo.com/5417008/self+heating-roads-clear-snow-with-ease Glare image from: http://www.driversedguru.com/drivers-ed-training-exercises/stage-3/stage-3-night-driving/ Retrieved: 08/22/10
Look for Movement Look for clues of potential movement of other vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclist and animals. Image from: http://blog.oregonlive.com/commuting/2009/08/one_less_car_lane_portland_ope.html Retrieved: 08/22/10
I.P.D.E. Process Video Click on web address to access video clips Driver Right IPDE Process http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxXseHLZ45o (5:54) Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability ‘Drive Right’ image from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxXseHLZ45o Retrieved: 08/03/10 YouTube image from: http://www.youtube.com/ Retrieved: 01/21/10 Retrieved: 07/31/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing NOTE: Video on - Check access
I.P.D.E. - Predict actions of others change of direction points of conflict consequences of your actions Predict Use knowledge, judgment, and experience to predict When you predict, you take the information identified and imagine what might happen. Consider: What is happening in your zones What could happen AND if it does happen… How the change could affect you Image from: http://www.londoncyclist.co.uk/cycling-london/who-are-the-least-courteous-drivers-in-london/ Retrieved: 08/22/10 Always consider the worst scenario
Predicting skills develop with driving experience. How to Predict To predict, you must evaluate the situation and make a judgment about the possible consequences. Predicting skills develop with driving experience. Images from: http://wordsofwitte.wordpress.com/2009/09/03/football-a-great-use-of-street-space/ Retrieved: 08/22/10
What to Predict When predicting, there are three major elements in the traffic scene to consider: Actions of other roadway users Control over your own vehicle Consequences of your actions Image from: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/roadsafety/safedrivers-childsafety-schoolbus-bbtr-schoolbus-698.htm See image similar to : http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/promos/politics/blog/13obama-bike.jpg President: http://quickrelease.tv/?m=200811 Do not assume other roadway users will always take the correct action or see you.
Predicting Actions of Others The most important types of predictions to make concerning the actions of others are: Path – What might the other drivers do? Action – What action will other users take? Space – Will I have an open zone? Point of conflict – If all zones are closed, where might a conflict occur? Image from: http://imustbecrazytoliveinmexico.blogspot.com/ Retrieved: 08/22/10 What dangers could you predict in this situation?
What dangers could you predict in this situation? Image from: http://weather.thefuntimesguide.com/index.php?page=10 Retrieved: 08/23/10
What dangers could you predict in this situation? Image from: http://www.nj.com/news/local/index.ssf/2009/07/crosswalk.html Retrieved: 08/23/10
What dangers could you predict in this situation? Image from: http://www.aaroads.com/west/i-215olb_nv.html Retrieved: 08/23/10
Predicting Your Vehicle Control Speed is probably the most important factor in maintaining control of your vehicle. Always be ready to adjust your speed based on the amount of time and space needed for conditions: Traffic Roadway Weather Speedometer image from: http://merdia.wakeboardingdeals.co.cc/teleflex-morse-72511p-1580mph-speedometer.php Rock image from: http://blog.ivman.com/falling-object-warning-signs/ Mirror image from: http://www.mikesjournal.com/January%202007/January%202007.htm Retrieved: 08/22/10
Traction Traction is the actual gripping power between the tires and the road surface, a basic requirement for vehicle control. Rain image from: http://www.drivingschooldirectory.com.au/driving-instructor/driving-instructor-tips-driving-in-the-rain Snow image from: http://jezzbean.wordpress.com/2010/01/05/grit-the-roads-you-b-ds/ Retrieved: 08/21/10
See Ford Motor Company’s Driving Skills for Life video Driving Tip Video See Ford Motor Company’s Driving Skills for Life video Tire Pressure https://drivingskillsforlife.com/mediacenter1/video-gallery/Tire-Pressure/ (1:00) Always preview video before showing to students Check content Check availability Ford image from: https://www.drivingskillsforlife.com/ Billy’s image from: https://www.drivingskillsforlife.com/index.php?option=com_seyret&task=videodirectlink&Itemid=41&id=15 Retrieved: 01/21/10 Click on web address to access video clips *Suggest full screen viewing
Did You Know Final Thoughts Under inflated tires cause the engine to work harder. One sign of low tire pressure is if your tires squeal when cornering. It’s like riding a bike with low tires. It’s hard to pedal because of the increased rolling resistance. Tires image from: http://www.thedailygreen.com/environmental-news/latest/save-gas-47031702 Bike image from:http://www.highsnobiety.com/news/2009/03/08/lance-armstrongs-new-trek-madone-bikes-by-kaws-barry-mcgee/ Inflation images from: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/tire4.htm Retrieved: 08/03/10
Test Your Knowledge To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about _______ 2 – 3 seconds 5 – 9 seconds 10 – 15 seconds 20 – 30 seconds Answer: C
Test Your Knowledge The use of alcohol or drugs affects the driver by impairing: Vision Judgment Reaction time All of the above Answer: D
Test Your Knowledge This sign is a: U.S. route sign Interstate route sign State route sign County route sign Answer: A