LESSON 5 Planning your presentation
What does the plan of our presentation look like? Share Key Learning question with students. Students will plan their presentation structure in this lesson.
27 Watch the video. When instructed, pause the video and use the planner on page 27 of your coursebook to think about what your presentation should include. The video is in the Lesson 5 folder, linked in this Ppt and available on Youtube at: https://youtu.be/gj6cY5rFxZw Subtitled version available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6qXKyxuFys Click the image to play Click the image to enlarge
Look at the judges’ criteria. 28 Look at the judges’ criteria. Make sure someone in your group is responsible for checking that you meet the criteria as you plan. During the video, students will be instructed to use the sheet on page 29 to give each other roles in the group
Presentation planning: 30 Presentation planning: Using the planning pages in your coursebook, plan out the beginning, middle and end of your presentation in teams. Students can use the planning pages in their Coursebook to plan the beginning, middle and ending of their 5 minute presentations.
33 teamwork skills leadership skills project planning skills