OUTLINE Joint Testing – DENCO 9-1-1 State of Wireless New FCC Accuracy Standards New Wireless Class(s) Of Service Review 9-1-1 B – Problem Call Report
JOINT TESTING Tested with DENCO June 16 Tested “border” PSAP’s – Irving PD, DFW Airport, Grapevine & TCSO Tested transfer keys – did key deliver call to ADMIN number or 9-1-1? Did PSAP receiving call get full ANI & ALI? Found and fixed numerous transfer keys programmed to deliver call to ADMIN numbers.
JOINT TESTING Found and fixed numerous problems with the steering tables that caused call to be delivered without with full ANI - ALI. We will re-test everything on July 7 in another day of joint testing with DENCO.
STATE OF WIRELESS 2000 Residences with landline phones – almost 100% 9-1-1 calls with class of service = RESD – 34.4% % 9-1-1 calls from cell phones – 28.1% 2015 Residences with landline phones – less than 50% 9-1-1 calls with class of service = RESD – 4.9% % 9-1-1 calls from cell phones – 83.4%
Do you have new call takers that have not had WALDO training? STATE OF WIRELESS May 2016 Wireless 84.20% Wireline 13.15% VoIP 2.65% Do you have new call takers that have not had WALDO training?
FCC REPORT & ORDER – FEB 2015 For the first time FCC addresses indoor accuracy Recognized the need for PSAP to have a “dispatchable location” on wireless calls Based on MAC address of WiFi routers Also based on a new database called NEAD Introduced the z-axis to mapping of wireless calls Phased in over next 8 years First of new requirements – “within 2 years” from April 2015
CLASS OF SERVICE - WIRELESS Today MOBL WRLS WPH2 Will definitely get a new one for “dispatachable locations” – WDISP (?)
FUTURE 9-1-1 CALL FLOW Wireless 9-1-1 call from residence Assumes residence has Wi-Fi router & phone registers when in range Handset that calls 9-1-1“picks up” the MAC of WiFi router and sends it with voice to MSC MSC sends voice to 9-1-1 tandem and then to PSAP MSC sends the MAC address to the MPC MPC dips the NEAD to retrieve the physical address associated with that MAC address When PSAP sends ALI dip to MPC the physical address of the MAC is returned as the “dispatachable location”
NEW FCC ACCURACY STANDARD All dates from April 2015 Wireless provider shall provide (1) dispatchable location, or (2) x/y location within 50 meters: 2017 : 40 percent of all wireless 9-1-1 calls 2018 : 50 percent of all wireless 9-1-1 calls 2020 : 70 percent of all wireless 9-1-1 calls 2021 : 80 percent of all wireless 9-1-1 calls All are standards for horizontal accuracy
NEW FCC ACCURACY STANDARD - VERTICAL All dates from April 2015 2018 - Wireless provider shall provide to PSAP’s uncompensated barometric data from any handset that has the capability to deliver barometric sensor date (z axis) 2018 - All carriers must develop a proposed z-axis accuracy metric to FCC for approval 2021 – Wireless providers must deploy either dispatachable location or z axis technology
9-1-1 B Filled out by call taker during call Faxed to Tarrant County 9-1-1 Input in 9-1-1 NET and passed to telco for correction Not all are “simple” address corrections Rely on voluntary compliance of customer & their dial tone provider