WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is a group of online communication channels. Examples: Facebook Snapchat Twitter
What is instagram? It is a popular website where you can interact with others.
Why is it usefull? It is useful to interact with friends and family that are not close by. It is useful to interact with your group members from school.
Negative effects of Instagram If you have a public account people can write hate comments on you. People can also send you dms mean and bad messages.
Negative effects on society People can screenshot, photoshop and leak your photos anywhere. that can also destroy your career. The instagram company can also you your photo in any way.
Positive effects on the society People use instagram to promote their businesses. Instagram can also help you share and make memories.
Background information The creator of instagram is kevin systrom and mike krieger . Kevin systrom and mike krieger Graduated university at 26 years when he created instagram. In 2012 facebook byes instagram for $1 billion. In 2010 they launched their first app in the app store.
video video https://youtu.be/ QZ F-pvMEvtk how to access instagram from your phone how to access instagram from your computer https://youtu.be/ QZ F-pvMEvtk video video
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