Quick Picture of a Module: A Big Picture View Ellen Iverson Science Education Resource Center From materials originally developed by David Steer and Ellen Iverson
Preparing Students for the Future Curriculum that excites students Grand Challenges Rigorous Science Learning that engages Societal Relevance
InTeGrate Goals are Encoded in the Materials Development Rubric Six Categories Guiding Principles Learning Objectives and Outcomes Assessment and Measurement Resources and Materials Instructional Strategies Alignment
InTeGrate Guiding Principles for Materials Development Grand Challenges Interdisciplinary problems Nature and methods of science Authentic data and inquiry System thinking
Grand Challenges: What are they? Which grand challenge(s) does your module/course address: Make a list of grand challenge(s) your module/course could address (30 seconds) When time is up, each person has 15 seconds to describe one challenge Continue to next person who describes a different challenge Pass if challenges already identified Continue until everyone has contributed Agree on a challenge to work on as a group
The Approach Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources The Approach
Learning Goals Learning goals (outcomes) identify significant and essential learning that students can demonstrate by the end of the module or course. Student-centered SWBAT – Students Will Be Able To . . . Linked to activities in module/course Measurable
Writing Learning Goals An action verb identifying performance A learning statement specifying the learning Students will explain how and why managing mineral resources depends both on geological (mineral-forming) processes and non-geological factors with various impacts on the environment and communities. Students will use systems thinking to make informed decisions that contribute to sustainability of local agricultural systems by analyzing authentic geospatial and soil data. For Example Students will use data to assess risk due to geological hazards associated with plate boundaries and develop strategies to mitigate risks associated with geological hazards.
Write a learning goal for your team’s Grand Challenge Use: An action verb identifying performance A learning statement specifying the learning
The Approach Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources The Approach
Learning Objectives Learning objectives support learning goals Learning objectives are intended results of instruction Content Performance Attitudes http://www.incredibleart.org/files/blooms2.htm
Learning Objectives Students will use systems thinking to make informed decisions that contribute to sustainability of local agricultural systems by analyzing authentic geospatial and soil data. Sample unit learning objectives - At the end of this unit, students will be able to: Compare local erosion rates, soil horizons, and percent soil organic matter with other sites and estimate differences in sustainability. Differentiate between natural and human influences on soil sustainability. Make recommendations for sustainable agricultural practices in a hypothetical scenario. In a few minutes: Develop one learning objective that could support your learning goal
The Approach Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources The Approach
Assessment and Measurement Measure the learning goals and objectives Criterion referenced Sequenced, varied and appropriate Address various cognitive levels Which part of the world is represented on this map? Does the ocean surface display El Niño, ENSO normal, or La Niña conditions and how do you know? Where will precipitation fall if these anomalous temperatures remain in place?
Assessment and Measurement Learning Objective: Make recommendations for sustainable agricultural practices in a hypothetical scenario. Assessment: You have spent time in this unit learning about soil . . . now it is time to use what you have learned to educate others. You will act as an agricultural extension agent in Nebraska and provide advice to a farmer who would like to make the way she farms more sustainable. As an initial step in this move toward sustainability, she has been told by a neighboring farmer that she should start with soil management. She believes that reducing soil compaction will be a relatively easy and cost-effective way to start. To provide her with useful advice, please follow these steps . . . (instructions for writing brief report). In a few minutes: Discuss one possible assessment that supports your learning objective
The Approach Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources The Approach
Teaching Resources
The Approach Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources The Approach
Instructional Strategies Support learning objectives Promote student engagement Develop student metacognition Opportunities to practice communicating geoscience Scaffold learning
Instructional Strategies Activities during a lesson should: Provide opportunities for students to iterate and improve their understanding incrementally. Include an appropriate balance of guidance versus exploration and opportunities for reflection, discussion, and synthesis. Help students to assess their own learning and confirm they are on the right track or identify misconceptions.
Instructional Strategies Learning Objective: Make recommendations for sustainable agricultural practices in a hypothetical scenario. Assessment: You have spent time in this unit learning about soil . . . now it is time to use what you have learned to educate others. You will act as an agricultural extension agent in Nebraska and provide advice to a farmer who would like to make the way she farms more sustainable. She believes that reducing soil compaction will be a relatively easy and cost-effective way to start. To provide her with useful advice, please follow these steps . . . (instructions for writing brief report). Instructional Strategy: In-class soil compaction activity guided by instructor using real soil samples. In a few minutes: Discuss an instructional strategy that would support your learning objective
Pilot Materials, Make changes Identify Course & Module Learning Goals Identify learning objectives for individual lessons Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and objectives Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources Pilot Materials, Make changes The Approach: Phase 2
This Meeting is Structured Around Rubric (with plenty of built in work time) Tonight Overview Monday Guiding Principles Learning Outcomes Learning Objectives and Assessment Instructional Strategies and Metacognition Tuesday Development timeline Piloting and Data Collection