Energy use and related air emissions of transport activities


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Presentation transcript:

Energy use and related air emissions of transport activities Barbara Mayer Directorate Spatial Statistics Environment and Energy 1 March 2012

Energy consumption surveys Residential: Energy Consumption of Households (random sample survey) Industry: Material Input Statistics (concentration sample) Energy consumption in small and medium sized establishments in manufacturing industries and construction (random sample survey) Commercial and Public Services : Energy consumption in the service sector (random sample survey) Surveys cover the overall energy consumption Random Sample Survey ZSP Material input statistics is the main data source for the sectoral breakdown of the consumption of all fuels used in industries. Its disadvantage is that it displays the overall consumption. Therefore Material Input Statistics has to be adapted to the balance structure with other surveys e. g. CHP-statistics to separate transformation input and final energy consumption

Energy consumption of households Biennial voluntary random sample survey stuck to the obligatory labor force survey Subject: Dwelling-bound consumption and associated expenditure, broken down by fuels Differentiated according to types of use as follows: Space heating, Water heating, Cooking, Other uses. Energy consumption of vehicles: age of car, air conditioning, fuel used, annual mileage, average fuel consumption per 100 km for the household’s (private) first and second car. Extrapolation of diesel and gasoline consumption by using number of passenger cars and annual kilometers Hard coal, Lignite, Brown coal briquettes, Coke, Fuel wood, Pellets, Wood briquettes (2004, 2006), Pellets (2008), Wood briquettes (2008), Wood chips, Fuel oil, LPG, Electricity (broken down into non-interruptible and interruptible), Natural gas, Solar, Heat pumps, District heat Random sample of 19 652 (2004), 24 012 (2006) and 19 993 (2008) homes derived from the Central Register of Residents, broken down by Laender (federal provinces of Austria, NUTS 2). 3.624.300 households with about 2,3 Persons per household About 0,6-1% of Austrian households are interviewed Biannual Further information on dwellings an buildings, number of metering points

Energy consumption of the industry sector Material input statistics Annual obligatory survey Overall energy consumption by predefined fuel types in physical units Covers material and energy input of enterprises (about 3,000) with the highest turnovers Division 10- 45 NACE rev. 1.1. (Division 05- 43  NACE rev. 2) Energy consumption of small and medium sized establishments Biennial voluntary survey Overall energy consumption by predefined fuel types in physical units and differentiated according to types of use About 3,000 establishments Division 10- 45 NACE rev. 1.1.(Division 05- 43  NACE rev. 2) Hard coal, Lignite, Brown coal briquettes, Coke, Fuel wood, Pellets, Wood briquettes (2004, 2006), Pellets (2008), Wood briquettes (2008), Wood chips, Fuel oil, LPG, Electricity (broken down into non-interruptible and interruptible), Natural gas, Solar, Heat pumps, District heat Random sample of 19 652 (2004), 24 012 (2006) and 19 993 (2008) homes derived from the Central Register of Residents, broken down by Laender (federal provinces of Austria, NUTS 2). 3.624.300 households with about 2,3 Persons per household About 0,6-1% of Austrian households are interviewed Biannual 297.484 U insgesamt, 59.052 Prod. Bereich, 238.432 Dienstleistungssector

Energy consumption in the service sector Voluntary random sample every five years Overall energy consumption by predefined fuel types in physical units and differentiated according to types of use Normally around 3,000 enterprises are included Survey 2010 contained around 12,000 enterprises Division 45- 96 NACE rev. 2

Energy consumption for transport purposes in energy balances Transport sectors are defined functionally (road, rail, air and national navigation) Fuels used for transport by enterprises should be reported under the transport sector of final consumption Agriculture/Forestry: Includes agricultural (off road) diesel consumption For splitting fuels (e.g. diesel and gasoline) into transport and other consumption purposes: Useful Energy Analysis

Useful Energy Analysis Subject: Energy consumption by purpose Space heating and air condition Vapor production Industrial furnaces Stationary engines Traction Lightning and computing Electrochemial Purposes Voluntary random sample every five years Around 3,000 establishments Welding appliances

Final energy consumption by fuels and categories (in TJ) Final energy consumption includes Residential, Commercial and Public Services, Agriculture/Forestry, Fishing, Transport Sector and Industry sector

Further information used for energy balances Diesel and gasoline sales on Austrian filling stations For national and international aviation and international shipping the data is provided by BMWFJ (Under the Petroleum Stockholding Act ) Consumption for national shipping is currently adjusted since 1988. Road: It is common for all road transport fuels to be shown as supporting the transport activity. Some will be used, however, off-road for digging, lifting and agricultural or forestry needs. Small but significant quantities will be used for pleasure craft and powered garden equipment. Consumption for these diverse uses can be obtained only by survey. None of these off-road quantities should be included as road transport. Air: Where separate data are available for deliveries of fuel to aircraft undertaking international flights, the figures are shown in international civil aviation (see the discussion under International marine bunkers above). In the absence of separate data, all deliveries should be attributed to domestic air. Pipelines: Fuel and electricity use at compressor and/or pumping stations, on pipelines carrying gas, oil or coal slurry is reported under this heading. Inland navigation: All fuel consumption for transport of goods or persons on inland waterways and for national sea voyages should be included. A national sea voyage is one which starts and ends in the same country without any intermediate foreign port of call. Note that an extensive part of the voyage may take place in international waters, for example Le Havre to Marseilles. Fuel consumed by fishing vessels of all types (inland, coastal or deep-sea) should be included under consumption for agriculture. Association of the Austrian Petroleum Industry Die Informationen bezuglich des Flugverkehrs und der internationalen Donauschifffahrt stammen aus den FORM III Erhebungen des BMWFJ. Der Einsatz fur Transport in Rohrfernleitungen wird direkt von den Betreibern erfragt; der Einsatz in der (nationalen) Schifffahrt seit 1998 fortgeschrieben. In den 5 Transport-Sektoren (Eisenbahnen, Sonstiger Landverkehr, Schifffahrt, Transport in Rohrfernleitungen, Flugverkehr) werden ausschlieslich Traktionsenergietrager (aber dafur samtliche) unabhangig vom Verursacher ausgewiesen. Die Aufteilung der relevanten Energietrager (z.B. Diesel und Benzin) auf Traktion und sonstigen energetischen Einsatz erfolgt mittels der Nutzenergieanalyse

Air Emissions Accounts – Methodology for Austria Energy Balances STATISTICS AUSTRIA Other data sources Austrian Air Emissions Inventory (OLI) Austrian Environment Agency Energy Accounts STATISTICS AUSTRIA Boiler data base (age of boiler) Air Emission Accounts STATISTICS AUSTRIA

Transport fuels in energy balances and - accounts Energy balances - Energy Accounts Fuels purchased by non-resident units on the national territory Fuels purchased by resident units on the national territory Fuels purchased by resident units abroad

NAMEA in Austria Inventory-first-approach Air Emissions Inventories are the starting point for the calculation of Air Emissions Accounts. Applying this approach mainly demands for the adjustment of territorial data to the residence principle and the allocation of process-based emissions to industries and households Energy-first-approach Basis for calculating energy accounts are energy balances. Air emissions are derived by using emission factors. In Austria: mixed approach is applied. In general inventory-first-approach but for transport emissions energy-first-approach.

Air Emissions Accounts – Data base Basis for all emission reports is the Austrian Air Emissions Inventory (OLI) of the Austrian Environment Agency. Emissions are recorded in the OLI according to the CORINAIR framework of the European Environment Agency. Applied classification is SNAP (Selected Nomenclature for sources of Air Pollution) – a process-based classification. OLI is based on the territory principle, i.e. consideration of all emissions arising on the national territory, irrespective of the provenance of the producer (inter alia transport emissions by means of sold fuels). But „international bunkers“ are reported separately. The methodology is compatible with reporting obligations to UNFCCC and UNECE/CLRTAP.

Air Emissions Accounts – Calculations Indirect allocation of transport emissions: Transport emissions differ from Air Emissions Inventory; basis are Energy Accounts. Important is the use of fuels by resident units and not the amount of fuels sold on the national territory.

Air Emissions Accounts – Calculations Emissions of vehicles (0701 – 0705) Data in Energy Accounts differ from data in Energy Balances, therefore data of Air Emissions Inventory have to be adjusted. Use of gasoline, diesel, biofuels from EA + Difference from EB Distribution in percentages Transport emissions Emissions of resident units „Export of emissions“

Please address queries to: Barbara Mayer Contact information: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Vienna phone: +43 (1) 71128-7624 fax: +43 (1) 71128- 8155