PERSONAL DETAILS OF NOMINEE Nomination for Secondary Boys School Team of The Year 2018 We will be taking photographs at The Awards Ceremony 2018 which may be used for publicity purposes on social media & Wirral Sports Forum website. You need to tell us if you have any concerns or questions about this. Office Use: Shortlisted: o o PERSONAL DETAILS OF NOMINEE TEAM NAME: SPORT: SCHOOL: AGE OF TEAM MEMBERS: NAME OF COACH: ADDRESS: POSTCODE: CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: ALL INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE REMAINDER OF THE NOMINATION MUST RELATE TO THE PERIOD 1st AUGUST 2017 – 31ST JULY 2018 Summary of main achievements of the team.
2. Level of achievement, local, county, national, international. 3. What is the team’s greatest achievement and what was the qualifying process? 3. How is the team selected? e.g. selection process – based on attendance/progress etc. 4. Additional supporting Information (use additional sheet if needed). I understand that if this nomination is successful I may be asked to; Provide evidence to support the information supplied Assist with the promotion of the Sports Bursary Scheme Attend next years awards evening NOMINATED BY: FULL NAME: CONTACT NUMBER: EMAIL: CONNECTION TO NOMINEE (coach, teammate, teacher, parent): To my knowledge all of the information provided is correct Signed: Date:
CLOSING DATE – Monday 30th July 2018 SUBMISSION NOTES Data Privacy Statement The data will be kept by Wirral Sports Development on behalf of Wirral Sports Forum for the purpose of contacting previous shortlisted nominees to support future award ceremonies (for maximum of 12 months). Data will not be shared with any third party. Checklist Have you completed all sections? Are your contact details correct? All information provided is relevant to the period 1 AUGUST 2017 – 31ST JULY 2018 CLOSING DATE – Monday 30th July 2018 To submit your nomination please email the completed form to Postal nominations should be sent to Dave Simmonds Community Sports Development Officer Wirral Sports Development Unit 1st Floor, Conway Centre Conway Street Birkenhead CH41 6JD Tel: 0151 666 4165 Mob: 07876 577 187. o o o