“Outbreak Detection, Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases” 19-23 March 2018 Mida Hotel Ngamwongwan, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Component 1 2 3 4 5 Principles of Epidemiology & Introduction to Field Epidemiology 1 2 Public Health Surveillance System 3 Outbreak Investigation 4 Public Health Emergency Management Hospital Emergency Response in Infectious Disease Outbreaks 5
(Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Monday 19 March 2018 (Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Principles of Epidemiology & Introduction to Field Epidemiology 09.00-09.20 Introduction of Workforce Development in Thailand & Course Orientation By: Dr. Chawetsan Namwat, FETP Director Dr. Thanit Rattanathumsakul, FETP Advisor 09.20-09.30 VDO Presentation: Singapore Cooperation Program 09.30-09.45 Opening Ceremony: Opening Report By: Dr. Nakorn Premsri, Director of Bureau of Epidemiology Opening Remark By: Dr. Asadang Ruayajin, Deputy Director-General, Department of Disease Control Group Photo 09.45-10.00 Coffee & Tea Break 10.00-10.30 Pre-test By: Dr. Thanit Rattanathumsakul, FETP Advisor
(Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Monday 19 March 2018 (Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Principles of Epidemiology & Introduction to Field Epidemiology 10.30-12.00 Lecture: Introduction to Field Epidemiology By: Dr. Kumnuan Ungchusak, Consultant of Department of Disease Control 12.00-13.00 LUNCH 13.00-14.30 Lecture: Public Health Emergency in International Humanitarian Assistance By: Dr. Patcharin Tantiworrawit, FETP Advisor 14.30-15.00 Coffee & Tea Break 15.00-16.00 Lecture: From Epidemiological Evidence to Health Policy By: Dr. Chawetsan Namwat, FETP Director 17.30-19.00 RECEPTION DINNER at Moon River Silk Dining Restaurant
(Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Tuesday 20 March 2018 (Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Public Health Surveillance System 09.00-09.30 Wrap up 09.30-10.30 Lecture: Principle of Public Health Surveillance and Application By: Dr. Chawetsan Namwat, FETP Director 10.30-11.00 Coffee & Tea Break 11.00-12.30 Lecture: Surveillance Evaluation By: Dr.Patcharin Tantiworrawit, FETP Advisor 12.30-13.30 LUNCH 13.30-16.30 Exercise: Surveillance Evaluation By: Facilitator team (2 groups) (Patcharin and Thanit)
(Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Wednesday 21 March 2018 (Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Outbreak Investigation 09.00-09.30 Wrap up 09.30-12.00 Lecture: Outbreak Investigation By: Dr. Panthanee Thitichai, FETP Advisor 12.00-13.00 LUNCH 13.00-16.00 Exercise: Outbreak Investigation By: Facilitator team (2 groups) (Panthanee and Pantila)
(EOC Room, Department of Disease Control, MOPH) Thursday 22 March 2018 (EOC Room, Department of Disease Control, MOPH) Public Health Emergency Management 08.30-09.00 Wrap up 09.00-10.30 Lecture: Public Health Emergency Management, Incident Command System and Emergency Operation Center (PHEM, ICS & EOC) By: Dr. Charatdao Bunthi, Thailand MOPH - U.S. CDC Collaboration (TUC) 10.30-11.00 Coffee & Tea Break 11.00-12.00 Visit Situation Awareness Team (SAT) Visit Emergency Operation Center (EOC) 12.00-13.00 LUNCH 13.00-15.00 Visit Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute Visit Bio Contentment Unit for EIDs and unknown diseases
(Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Friday 23 March 2018 (Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Hospital Emergency Response in Infectious Disease Outbreaks 08.30-09.00 Wrap up 09:00-10:30 Responding to Disasters By: Dr. Gowri Gopalakrishna, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in Singapore 10.30-10:45 Coffee & Tea Break 10:45-12:30 Lecture: Case Study of SARS outbreak and control in Singapore 2003 12.00-13.00 LUNCH
(Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Friday 23 March 2018 (Venue: Meeting Room No.2, 4th Floor, Mida Hotel) Hospital Emergency Response in Infectious Disease Outbreaks 13:00-15:00 Ensuring Surveillance & Readiness of Hospital for Future Outbreaks By: Dr. Gowri Gopalakrishna, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in Singapore 15.00-15.15 Coffee & Tea Break 15.15-15.30 Post-test By: Dr. Thanit Rattanathumsakul, FETP Advisor 15.30-16.00 Certificate & Closing Remarks By: Mr. Paisan Rupanichkij, Deputy Director-General, TICA Remarks: Stay at Mida Hotel (located at Nonthaburi Province) during 19-23 March 2018 Topic of lectures may be changed, depend on the Singapore' expert available Coffee & Tea Break (15-30 minutes) : Morning and afternoon
Our Location Big C Tiwanon Rattanathibet Central The Mall Ngamwongwan Tesco Lotus ATM Mida Ngamwongwan FETP DDC all-day dining restaurant at “M Café” (06.00 - 23.00 hours)
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