Welcome to Session 3: Peace Virtue: Peacefulness
Lighting the Candle Prayer Agenda Lighting the Candle Prayer As we light this flame, we light the flames of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Conduct, and Non- violence that lie within us all. ∞ Opening Ceremony ∞ Checking in: Compassion ∞ Announcements ∞ Newcomers welcome ∞ Date of next meeting ∞Facilitator for next study session ∞ Lesson ∞ Closing
Forbearance Prayer Let us have forbearance towards each other Let us rejoice together Let us all strive together Let us live and move in harmony Let us grow together Let us cherish the wisdom that we have acquired Let us live in complete harmony without misunderstanding May all beings in the world be happy Namaste, we honor the goodness in each other
Peace and Peacefulness Wise saying: “Discover the fountain of peace within”
Questions: This wise saying is about the Human Value of Peace. The Virtue or sub-Value of Peace in this saying is ‘peacefulness’. ∞ What do we understand by the word ‘peace’? ∞ What does it feel like when we are peaceful? ∞ Do you know anybody who is really peaceful? The wise saying tells us that peace is already inside us, waiting to be discovered. ∞ If peace is there inside us –lots of it – why don’t we always feel peaceful?
Illustration: On cloudy days when the sun cannot be seen, we believe that the sun is still there behind the clouds. Why do we believe this? In deep sleep we experience real peace. Where did the peace come from? Was it waiting inside?
The wise saying uses the word ‘discover’. ∞ What does ‘discover’ mean? The wise saying also refers to a ‘fountain’ of peace. ∞ What is a fountain? ∞Does a fountain ever run dry? ∞ What happens when you stand under a fountain of water? ∞ Can you imagine standing under a ‘fountain of peace’?
What can we do to discover this fountain of peace inside of us? What stops us from discovering this fountain of peace within?
∞ Can we ever find peace outside of us? ∞ Why go searching for peace within us? ∞ Why not look for peace outside of us?
∞ What would our group/the whole world be like if everyone discovered the fountain of peace within?....Would there be war?.... Violence in the home?.....Drug-taking?
Guided Imagination
Affirmation for reflection and contemplation: “Within me there lies a vast ocean of peace” Write an action plan how you would like to apply this saying in your life and how to discover the fountain of peace within.
Constant practice to be in that state of peace is what is required Constant practice to be in that state of peace is what is required. That will only happen if you turn your mind inward all the time to see the purpose behind whatever is happening. Good is happening for a purpose. The bad that is happening, which you apparently feel is bad, for a purpose. See what God is trying to teach you, and then you will be at peace. When you see something is happening which you do not like, and believe it is because of others and not because of God, you lose peace. If you think that it is God who is doing such things through others to teach you a lesson, then you will be at peace. You will constantly be aware that God is the one who is doing whatever is happening around you to teach you lessons. Practice is the only way to develop this. Sathya Sai Baba
Closing Prayer May we feel the soothing waters of the fountain of peace flow within us. May we practice being in the stillness of the vast ocean of peacefulness.