Introduction to Basic Animation Model Building Using By Paul Roberts
The Maya Interface Autodesk has made the interface very easy to use for basic shapes. The main viewpoint is this; a plane grid where you can make your shapes. To begin, select “polygons” tab and select a shape, such as a cube, cone, or sphere.
Modifying your Shape There are ways to select your object or just parts of it. Hold the right mouse button while your mouse is over the object. This will bring up the selection tool. Now parts of the object can be modified. You can change an entire object, or just it’s faces, edges, or vertices.
More Modifying Shapes can be changed in 3 basic ways: Translating Rotating and Scaling Once a (Face/Edge/Vertex) is selected, any of the above tool can be used, for some of the shown effects. Just drag the arrow, box, or circular axis to change the shape.
Modifying Further Another one of the easiest ways to modify shapes is the EXTRUDE TOOL. Located in the “Edit Mesh” drop down menu. There is also a tab to extrude the selection. The extrude tool is used along with the modifying tools we’ve learned so far. Simply start as you would to move or change a (face/edge/vertex), but first click the extrude tool pull out, scale, or rotate what you have selected.
More more more Modifying Once a (face, Edge, or vertex) is extruded, it may be manipulated by any of the tools. The meaning of the tool is to pull more of a shape out from a point while allowing the object that is already there to retain it’s shape. The possibilities are endless!