Group # MU Whales (4 year olds) Group # MU Dolphins (3 year olds) Get to know and observe the kids that you will be planning a lesson for and teaching. This way you can plan an effective lesson that is just for them. Group # MU Whales (4 year olds) Group # MU Dolphins (3 year olds) Group # MU Starfish (2 year olds) After the Story or Music time, take a tag, and report to your age group. No phones or picture taking. After the story or song and evaluation, anyone that has not been in the center yet is to go in.
Miracle of Life Video
Bell Work If you could have given advice to your parents when you were still in the womb, what would you have told them?
Prenatal Development Paper 1st Grade Summer Story Paper 6 day old Human Zygote Implanting
Prenatal - It is amazing!
Review of Fertilization A sperm travels up the v________ where it must go through the C______ to enter into the u_____. At the top of the uterus, the sperm will decide whether to take the right or left F_______ T_____ to find the O_____ An O_____ releases an O ___ (egg) during O________(menstruation). The fimbrae brings the egg into the F_______ T_____. If a S_____ is present in the fallopian tube, then F_________ can take place. Fertilization must take place in the F_______ T____. Only one S ____ may penetrate the O____. Conception has occurred! If more than one ovum is present, they may both be Fer_____ and this will cause fraternal multiple births. One ovum that splits are identical. A fertilized ovum /z________ will travel down the fallopian tubes to the U_____ and implant itself in endometrium L_____ where it will begin to develop. agina ervix terus allopian ube vum vum vulation vary allopian ube perm ertilization allopian ube perm vum tilized ygote terus ining
Review of Fertilization A sperm travels up the v________ where it must go through the C______ to enter into the u_____. At the top of the uterus, the sperm will decide whether to take the right or left F_______ T_____ to find the O_____ An O_____ releases an O ___ (egg) during O________(menstruation). The fimbrae brings the egg into the F_______ T_____. If a S_____ is present in the fallopian tube, then F_________ can take place. Fertilization must take place in the F_______ T____. Only one S ____ may penetrate the O____. Conception has occurred! If more than one ovum is present, they may both be Fer_____ and this will cause fraternal multiple births. One ovum that splits are identical. A fertilized ovum /z________ will travel down the fallopian tubes to the U_____ and implant itself in endometrium L_____ where it will begin to develop. agina ervix terus allopian ube vum vum vulation vary allopian ube perm ertilization allopian ube perm vum tilized ygote terus ining
Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy Spotting Acne Putting on weight Food cravings Period stops Morning sickness Sensitive to smells Mood swings and irritable Headaches Fatigue Frequent urination Dizzy Enlarging uterus and abdomen Glowing Tender, tingling, swollen breast
Figuring your due date Take the first day of your last period February 7th Go back 3 months November 7th Add 7 days November 14th Give or take 2 weeks Human Zygote and Sperm five days after the fertilization of an egg, Some remaining sperm cells’ stained green still, sticking around. The embryo and sperm cell nuclei are stained purple.
Paper people winners
Pre-Natal Development Growth of the baby from conception to birth. 40 weeks, 10 months, 280 days, 3 trimesters In this time, it will go from one cell the size of a pencil dot to a 7 ½ pound 200 billion cell baby. 4 weeks = poppy seed, 5 weeks = grain of rice, 7 weeks = blueberry, 14 weeks = apple, 15 weeks = orange, 39 weeks = watermelon If this rapid rate of growth continued past birth, the baby would weigh 160 lbs by its first birthday.
Month 1 Events for Baby Embryo phase begins 25 – heart beats regularly Days after conception: 9 – begins to take shape 17 – has blood cells 18 – occasional heart pulsation 19 – eyes start to develop 20 – nervous system foundation set 24 – vital organs begin 25 – heart beats regularly 28 – 40 pairs of muscles, limb buds, trunk of body is formed 30 – develops ears and nose 31 – hand, arm, shoulder region formed 33 – hand section formed Baby ¼” long (length of rice)
Month 2 Events Baby is 1.5” long Internal organs and neural system still forming Blood is circulating 40 days – body movements visible by ultrasound 42 days – skeleton complete 43 days – brain puts off electrical brain waves 49 days – has a miniature doll appearance 56 days – moves, squints, swallows, yawns, and tongue moves. Baby is 1.5” long
1 ½ days to complete Unit 3 Workbook pages 4 - 11 Belly People 8 Prenatal stations 1 ½ days to complete Unit 3 Workbook pages 4 - 11
Station 9 (EXTRA child activity in the back of the room) Day 16 and Day 17 Work on UNIT 3 (your own music; summarize everything; use website, folders, & textbook) Section A Section B Section C Section D #1 and 2 done in class Station 2 (pg 7 & 8 w/ folder) Station 3 (pg 4 & 5; Q1, 2, 3, 4 w/ folder) Station 4 (pg 8 & 9; Q1, 2, 3 w/ folder) Station 5 (pg 5 & 6; Q5 & 6 w/ folder) Station 6 (pg 9 & 10; Q4 w/ folder OR textbook pg 148-150) Station 7 (pg 10; Q5 w/ folder OR textbook pg 157-160, 201- 202) Station 8 (pg 10; Q6 w/folder OR textbook pg 201-202 & assignment #3) Guest speaker Labor and Delivery Nurse Station 9 (EXTRA child activity in the back of the room)
DAY 17 of Class Before the students spend the entire classtime in the stations, do the bell quiz, story #9, and watch the Bill Cosby clip.
Bell Quiz 1 Prenatal Towers
Story #9 on Day 17 of class Bluh, bluuuuh, bluuuuuuuh”
Station 9 (EXTRA child activity in the back of the room) Day 16 and Day 17 Work on UNIT 3 (your own music; summarize everything; use website, folders, & textbook) Section A Section B Section C Section D #1 and 2 done in class Station 2 (pg 7 & 8 w/ folder) Station 3 (pg 4 & 5; Q1, 2, 3, 4 w/ folder) Station 4 (pg 8 & 9; Q1, 2, 3 w/ folder) Station 5 (pg 5 & 6; Q5 & 6 w/ folder) Station 6 (pg 9 & 10; Q4 w/ folder OR textbook pg 148-150) Station 7 (pg 10; Q5 w/ folder OR textbook pg 157-160, 201- 202) Station 8 (pg 10; Q6 w/folder OR textbook pg 201-202 & assignment #3) Guest speaker Labor and Delivery Nurse Station 9 (EXTRA child activity in the back of the room)
Bill Cosby as himself part 1