Conflict Management CAAWS Women and Leadership Program SELF INTRO + LEADERSHIP PROGRAM OVERVIEW 1 MINUTE (0:10 - 0:11) Conflict Management CAAWS Women and Leadership Program On the Move Workshop – 3 Hour Version
Today’s Agenda Sources of Conflict Conflict Escalation 5 Conflict Management Styles Tips for Being More Effective AGENDA 2 MINUTES (0:11 – 0:13)
Encouraging girls and women to and boardrooms of Canada Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity Encouraging girls and women to get off the bleachers, and onto the fields and playing courts, into the pools, the locker rooms and boardrooms of Canada CAAWS OVERVIEW 1 MINUTE (0:13-0:14)
Visit CAAWS Online CAAWS OVERVIEW 2 MINUTES (0:14-0:16)
Sources of Conflict Worksheet #2 SOURCES OF CONFLICT - GROUP DISCUSSION 17 MINUTES (0:23 - 0:40)
Costs of Unresolved Conflict Worksheet #3 COST OF UNRESOLVED CONFLICT - GROUP DISCUSSION 10 MINUTES (0:40 - 0:50)
Risk of Not Addressing Conflict 2 MINUTES (0:50 - 0:52)
Leaders Talk Edward Muzio, CEO Group Harmonics How the Ladder of Inference creates bad judgement Source: LADDER OF INFERENCE 5 MINUTES (0:52 - 0:57) Source:
Ladder of Inference Worksheet #4 13 MINUTES (0:57 - 1:10)
Conflict Management Styles OVERVIEW OF THE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLES 1 MINUTE (1:21 - 1:22)
Conflict Management Styles Avoiding Unassertive Uncooperative Does not address the conflict A Diplomatic sidestep Postponing an issue Withdrawing OVERVIEW OF AVOIDING 1 MINUTE (1:25 - 1:26)
Conflict Management Styles Accommodating Unassertive Cooperative Neglects own concerns to satisfy the other person Could be: Selfless generosity Obeying an order Yielding to a point of voice OVERVIEW OF ACCOMMODATING 1 MINUTE (1:26 - 1:27)
Conflict Management Styles Competing Assertive Uncooperative Power-oriented Uses power to “win” OVERVIEW OF COMPETING 1 MINUTE (1:22 - 1:23)
Conflict Management Styles Compromising Somewhat assertive Somewhat cooperative More expedient Some exploration of options Splitting the difference Middle ground OVERVIEW OF COMPROMISING 1 MINUTE (1:24 - 1:25)
Conflict Management Styles Collaborating Assertive Cooperative A collective solution Creative problem solving Exploring options OVERVIEW OF COLLABORATING 1 MINUTE (1:23 - 1:24)
Styles Discussion Worksheet #6 Advantages Disadvantages Best time to use the style Working with other styles STYLES DISCUSSION 38 MINUTES (1:42 - 2:20)
What the Experts Say Worksheet #7 “Having a productive disagreement starts with your mindset. Assume you have something to learn, assume there is a more creative solution.” Jeff Weiss, co-author of conflict article for Harvard Business Review “Expect to invest time and thought.” Judith White, Tuck School of Business ARTICLE REVIEW + DISCUSSION 30 MINUTES (2:20- 2:50)
Thank You! For more information visit On the Move Workshop – 3 Hour Version