Upper Phase Writing Workshop Wednesday 27th January
Why are you here? Understanding how we are teaching writing in school Understand ways in which home and school can work together to support your child’s progress
How do we teach writing? Guided by National Curriculum A range of resources to support the units and ensure wide coverage Linking to other curriculum areas Talk for writing Intervention groups
Writing across the curriculum Teaching of writing is not limited to English sessions. A range of genres is covered: newspaper Story writing explanation diary information poetry Persuasive writing instructions playscripts Balanced argument recounts letters
Assessing progress Teacher assessments are based on weekly writing tasks, taking into account a range of writing genres, as well as half-termly Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests. At the end of year 6 children are tested formally in the Grammar, punctuation and Spelling Test. Year 6 no longer have a written test; teacher assessment is used.
How you can support your child’s progress Take away their fear. Reassure and praise whenever possible. Be selective in correcting mistakes / differences! Let them see you writing – shopping lists, emails, perhaps even write them a story! Let them see you make mistakes with your writing! They need to understand that adults are not perfect writers! We have frameworks and starting points to help us too. Let your children draw and write for fun on their own.
Activities: Y4 teachers: Punctuation, especially commas! Y5 teachers: Spelling and handwriting Y6 teachers: Grammar Remember to complete a questionnaire before you leave!