Rising 6th Grade Pre-Registration Parent Night Welcome Parents! POQUOSON MIDDLE SCHOOL Rising 6th Grade Pre-Registration Parent Night
Introductions Administration School Counseling Mrs. Amanda Goyne, School Counseling Director School Counselor (Last names K-Z) Mrs. Stacy Tuttle, School Counselor (Last names A-J) Mrs. Melissa Bunting, Principal Ms. Kay Aultman, Assistant Principal
Poquoson Middle School General Information
What’s different about Middle School? Environment Schedule Rules/procedures Classes/teachers Hormones More Freedom! More Responsibilities! More FUN!
Middle School Schedule Opening Bell - 7:40 a.m. 7 Class Periods - 50 minutes long - 4 minutes between - 2 lunches Dismissal Bell - 2:35 Lunch based on 4th period class
7 Period Day + 1 PE/Health course + 2 Student selected electives 4 Core academic courses + 1 PE/Health course + 2 Student selected electives 7 class periods total
Academic Options English 6 or English 6 Honors Science 6 or Science 6 Honors Foundations of Algebra I or FOA I Honors US History PE/Health 6
Math Pathways 6th 7th 8th 9th
Academic Placement 5th grade teachers make placement recommendations Recommendations are based on: students’ work habits current class performance SOL scores and other assessment data Direct questions to recommending teacher Recommendations are reviewed at the end of the year
Elective Options Elective Rotation Four, 9 week rotations Intro to semester and year-long options Beginning Band Instrument tryout Best time to start! Chorus 6 New option for 6th grade Music theory & performance Intro to World Cultures Exploratory Language option Not HS credit Resource Recommendation only Based on IEP goals Spanish I, Part 1 ½ of Spanish 1 HS credit Homework and tests
World Languages at PMS Options: Spanish or French Advanced Diploma Requirement: 3 years of one language 2 & 2 Spanish I Part 1 & 2 = 2 year commitment Spanish I Part 1 & 2 = 1 High School Credit High School GPA
Spanish Flowchart 6th 7th 8th 9th
Completing Course Registration
Online Registration Visit the Poquoson District Home website Under Popular Links, click “Parent Portal” Enter Username and Password Click on the Class Registration tab, found under the Navigation heading on the far left side of the screen http://www.pms.poquoson.org/pages/Poquoson_Middle_School
Registration Timeline February 14th: Online registration begins The middle school counselors go to PES and meet with 5th grade classes February 14th -20th February 24th: Online registration ends All changes after February 24th must be submitted in writing to the PES counselor March 5th: Course selection forms sent home Forms must be signed by a parent/guardian March 9th: Course selection form due to the homeroom teacher
Transition Events May 2018 5th grade students visit the middle school during the school day for a tour led by middle school students. August 2018 Open House at the middle school. Students pick up schedules and walk through the building, meet teachers, try out the lockers and combinations, and view displays.
Thank you for coming tonight! Tours of the school will be provided by PMS students.