Year 2 2017-2018 Led by Mrs Nicholls with assistance from Mrs Bowler PPA time covered by Mrs Bowler Specialist Teachers for French and PE
Arrival: Children come in through the side door at 8:40am. The register is taken at 8:50am. Please telephone if your child is going to be late or absent. No holidays during term, please. Departure: School ends at 3.15pm Children are met at the classroom door.
Morning Break: 10:45am-11:00am Afternoon Break: 2:15pm-2:30pm P.E sessions – Monday, Wednesday & Friday Welly Wednesdays! Healthy snacks Healthy lunch Water fountain Water bottles
No pencil cases required. Ensure PE kit is always in – please take it home on Fridays then return on Mondays.
Medical Forms Inhalers- named/in date Allergies-medical form No medicine should be sent into school. Encourage children to wash hands! Accidents – standard letter sent home/phone call.
Rewards & Sanctions High Expectations Lots of verbal praise House points & Pebble Jar Star(s) of the Week Good Disciple Award Reflection Room
Curriculum RE: Come & See Termly Letters give an outline. Spoken language, Reading, Writing (including Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar) Number (including all four operations, Fractions, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics) Dinosaurs – Food Feast Fire! Fire! – Robots & Recycling Up, Up & Away! – The Seaside Science – History – Geography – Art – DT Music – PSHE – PE - Computing
Catholic Ethos Our Catholic Ethos underpins everything we do. Our Class Saint is Saint Cecilia (the patron Saint of Music). Class Prayer Bag will come home on rotation each Friday. Please do join us for School Mass if you can – all are welcome.
SATs Currently, all children are assessed at the end of Year 2. Tests are given for: Reading, Maths & English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Teacher Assessments are made for English Writing & Science. Please, please do not worry about these assessments. They are a snapshot in your child’s ongoing education. We will do our best to ensure the children are not put under pressure, and aren’t really aware. We would encourage you to do the same.
Support from Home Reading – 2 books a week (guided reading book & own choice book). Please make sure these are in school EVERY day. Spellings/Writing – spelling patterns taught through a weekly poem. Sentences to practice. Tested on Friday. Maths – a short Maths activity each week. Brought home Monday – handed in Friday. (Reading books kept till Monday!)
Please do not hesitate to contact me Letters (all absence must be explained in writing) Telephone End of day – by the class door. Class Rep
Take home, sign/fill in and return to school. Thank you for attending. Any questions?