Steps towards beam commissioning: Photon Diagnostics


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Presentation transcript:

Steps towards beam commissioning: Photon Diagnostics Pavle Juranic:: SwissFEL Photonics :: Paul Scherrer Institut Steps towards beam commissioning: Photon Diagnostics SwissFEL Commissioning Workshop, 21/22 March 2016 FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch

Photon Diagnostics PSI, 15.11.201815.11.2018 PPRM PSRD PBPG/PBIG PBPS Visum Name Description Operating Parameters Status PPRM Photon Beam Profile Monitor A scintillating screen with a mirror, lens, and camera setup that looks at the photon beam. SASE beam, any photon energy. Assembled and ready for installation PSRD Photon Sponteous Radiation Monitor MCP with a scintillating screen, mirror, and camera that looks at the spontaneous radiation beam. Spontaneous radiation, any photon energy. PBPG/PBIG Photon Beam Position and Photon Beam Intensity (Gas) Gas-based detector that measures the position and intensity of the FEL beam on both the absolute and relative scale. PBPS Photon Beam Position (Solid) Backscattering monitor for beam position that can also measure the relative beam intensity. SASE beam, >4 keV photon energy PDIM Photon Diode Intensity Monitor Diode that measures the intensity of the non-SASE beam. PSSS Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer Diamond grating and bent crystal that map the photon spectrum onto a camera with a high resolution. Assembly by end of Q1 2016, installation by end of Q2 2016. PALM Photon Arrival and Length Monitor THz streak camera that uses e-TOF spectroscopy the meausre the arrival time and length of FEL photon pulses vs. laser pulses. All components in house, assembly by end of Q3 2016, installation by end of Q4 2016. PSEN Photon Spectral Encoding Monitor Spectral encoding setup that measures the arrival time of the FEL relative to a laser pulse. SASE Beam, any photon energy. Will be completed by end of Q4 2016. PSI, 15.11.201815.11.2018

Our most important interfaces to (dependences on) other expert groups We need the FEL beam with the photon energies and modes described in column ‚operating parameters‘ on slide 2.

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Hardware installation We are installing the hardware in the tunnel as fast as it gets finished. Some is already instealled. We expect all components to be installed by October of 2016.

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning in OSFA before beam Motion checks (mostly done already). GUI interface design and implementation. Gas load tests (done already). Controls interface and vacuum interface/interlock work.

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Handover to operation, pre-beam checks Connection checks with power, water, gas, etc. Proper positioning with the survey group. Reliability and repeatability tests with some components (e.g. PSSS).

Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning with beam Visum Name Description Commisioning Needs for Commissioning Estimated Comissioning Time PPRM Photon Beam Profile Monitor A scintillating screen with a mirror, lens, and camera setup that looks at the photon beam. Checking visually if the setup is giving signal, motor motion check, data acquisition check. SASE beam, any photon energy. 5 shifts for all 15 PPRMs. PSRD Photon Sponteous Radiation Monitor MCP with a scintillating screen, mirror, and camera that looks at the spontaneous radiation beam. Spontaneous radiation, any photon energy. 0.5 shifts for the one PSRD we have. PBPG/PBIG Photon Beam Position and Photon Beam Intensity (Gas) Gas-based detector that measures the position and intensity of the FEL beam on both the absolute and relative scale. Checking the position and intensity calibration, motion check, signal check. Additional checks for the data evaluation and synchronization. SASE beam, any photon energy, a calibration chamber from DESY and/or a radiometer. 0.5 shifts to get it operational and 13 shifts cross-check its calibration in a commissioning beamtime. PBPS Photon Beam Position (Solid) Backscattering monitor for beam position that can also measure the relative beam intensity. Checking if the diodes are giving signal properly, motion check, calibration check vs. PPRMs and PBIG/PBPG, DAQ check. SASE beam, >4 keV photon energy, PPRMs and PBIG/PBPG must be operational. About 4 shifts for all 7 PBPS systems. PDIM Photon Diode Intensity Monitor Diode that measures the intensity of the non-SASE beam. Check if the diode gives a signal, motion check, data afcquisition check. Spontaneous radiation, pre-SASE beam, any photon energy. 0.5 shifts for the one PDIM we have. PSSS Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer Diamond grating and bent crystal that map the photon spectrum onto a camera with a high resolution. Motion check, signal analysis check, spectrometer calibration with filters, interlock checks, DAQ check. SASE beam, >4 keV photon energy, several photon energies, several pulse lengths. 6 shifts for the one PSSS. PALM Photon Arrival and Length Monitor THz streak camera that uses e-TOF spectroscopy the meausre the arrival time and length of FEL photon pulses vs. laser pulses. Equipment check and optimization, DAQ check, interlock and infrastructure check. SASE beam, any photon energy, several photon energies, several pulse lengths, PSEM done simultaneously. 12 shifts for the two PALM setups. PSEN Photon Spectral Encoding Monitor Spectral encoding setup that measures the arrival time of the FEL relative to a laser pulse. Equipment check and optimization, DAQ check, data analysis check. SASE Beam, any photon energy, several photon energies, PALM done simultaneously. 12 shifts for the two PSEM setups (simultaneously with the PALMs). Total 40.5 shifts

What makes us confident and happy All tunnel (front end) components are on schedule and should be installed by October of 2016 except for the ADC‘s.

What makes us worry We worry we will not get the photon beam with the parameters we require on time. The ADC‘s from Nick Schlumpf‘s group are a bit late, and may not all be ready by October 2016. However, we hope to be able to put the few we need in the front end by October 2016. We wish to ensure that we keep having enough technical support to succesfully finish the installation on time.

What we also wanted to mention… Cabling. It is a bottleneck.

Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen (No summary – this presentation is already a summary…) Acknowledgments …