LNF - Beam Test Facility Sept. 29 – Oct. 04


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Presentation transcript:

LNF - Beam Test Facility Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Characterization of LAZIO Detectors Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory Outline Purposes of the Beam Test Beam Characteristics Instrumental Setup Mechanics Electronics Data Analysis and Results Future Purposes and Conclusions Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory Purposes Instruments: Scintillator Detectors Light Guide Photo Multipliers LabView based Acquisition System Measures: Detector Resolution Light Counting Attenuation vs Distance Relative Detector Efficiency Normalizzation to the BTF Calorimeter Countings Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory Beam Characteristics 500MeV electrons Repetition Rate 50 Hz Pulse Duration 1-10 ns Current/pulse 1 to 8 particles σXY ~2mm Max Electronic Rate: 1KHz Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory Setup - Mechanics Beam line BTF Calorimeter Beam Trigger Scintillator Mover Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory Setup - Electronics Beam Trigger 860 mV 5:1 HV Power Supply Scintillator Attenuator CAMAC 15 V CAMAC Power Supply DAQ Fanin Fanout Delay units 12 bit ADC Beam Calorimeter Acquisition System Scint. Calorim. CAMAC Discriminator Scaler Ext.TRG Beam Trigger Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Data analysis - First View Calorimeter Informations on Beam Energy distribution Scintillator Data extraction by BTF calorimeter informations Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Data analysis - Investigations Filtered Data: Selection of the single electron contribution in the BTF Calo data Obtained Data: Single electron contribution in the Scintillator data Instrumental Resolution Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory Results Preliminary results: Linear behaviour of Light Counting Attenuation vs distance (beam spot – light guide) Next analysis: Detector Efficiency relative to the BTF Calorimeter countings Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Conclusions and Future The BTF Calorimeter is a powerful tool in the Data investigation The collected Light follow a linear behaviour as expected Good understanding of BTF allow us to: Realize a proper mechanical structure for the future test on the flight model Find out the best configuration for the test with Front End and Read Out electronics Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory

Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory People Francesco Altamura Raffaele Bencardino Vittorio Bidoli Lavinia Bongiorno Sept. 29 – Oct. 04 Low Altitude Zone Ionizing Observatory