Class 106 Open House 1st Grade Mr. Joseph Oliver Given.


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Presentation transcript:

Class 106 Open House 1st Grade Mr. Joseph Oliver Given

About Me I grew up in London, England. I have been teaching English in Taiwan for 7 years. I have a degree in Media Production from the University of Bedfordshire. This is my first year at Chingshin. I love to cook, play the guitar and of course, teach!

My Family This is my wonderful wife, Didi. She grew up in Yilan.

Our Wedding

My Family This is my beautiful son, Oscar. He’s two years old.

Mr. Given’s Teaching Philosophy Lead by example. Positivity, positivity, positivity! Balance between fun and strict. Provide a safe and comfortable learning environment. Strive to meet the needs of all students. Students learn responsibility. There are NO stupid questions. Encourage and nurture curiosity and creativity.

Raise your hand if you want to talk. English please. Always try. Class Rules Sit nicely. Look at the speaker. Raise your hand if you want to talk. English please. Always try. Keep your desks neat and tidy. Respect others. No fighting or arguing.

Students each have 6 books in the classroom. Treasures Books Grammar book GB Students book SB Practice book PB Students each have 6 books in the classroom.

Semester At-a-Glance … 4 themes per unit 2 weeks per theme 21 weeks

Important dates: The written and listening are just practice. English Midterm Oral Exam 10/22 Listening Exam 10/26 Written Exam 11/8 Halloween Theme teaching 10/29~10/30 English Final Oral Exam 12/26 Listening Exam 12/28 Written Exam 1/9 Spelling Bee in-class 1/2~1/4 Spelling Bee (school) 1/14-1/15 The written and listening are just practice. Only the oral exam is counted.

How do we teach Treasures? Day 1 Introduction Vocabulary, prior knowledge, Q&A Day 2-9 Actual teaching of the theme Day 10 Quiz Preview the next theme Since each theme is set for 10 days: In these 9 days, we also need to go over PB, GB, preview and organize homework, group work, creative writing…etc.

RCQT (Reading card and Question time) The first theme will have both Chinese and English to get everyone started and comfortable. After that, only English will be used.

Quiz (every theme) 1st semester practice quiz taking Not counted Focus: Vocabulary Phonics Skills Grammar Review (SB, PB, GB, WS, English folder, HWB) PPT we upload

Tests (oral, written) Oral: in pairs or one-on-one with the teacher Written: longer than quiz Focus: unit review 2 times per semester 1st semester: we only count the midterm and final oral exam Oral 20 Spelling Dictation 10 Listening 10 Phonics 14 Vocabulary 10 Grammar 20 Reading 6 Multi-literacy 4 Writing 6 Total 100

Treasures (SB) Practice Book (PB) and Grammar Book (GB) 1 notebook (HWB: Hand writing book) English folder + homework worksheets (WS) (very important!!!) Grammar class with Taiwanese English teacher Reading Card and Question Time (RCQT) Quiz: once every 2 weeks (EACH THEME) (Friday) Midterm and Final tests (oral and written)

English Journal : Monday and Friday Spelling bee competition Homework : spelling, vocabulary, grammar, creative writing and others. End of Theme topic writing English Journal : Monday and Friday The students will be expected to write based on a writing prompt. This writing is focus on creativity instead of mechanics.

Homework & assignments TREASURES 4 whole group classes (Thursday & Friday.) Splits lesson: T1 and T2 each has 6 classes Grades for 1st grade   1st semester Writing 20% Homework & assignments 40% Participation 15% Responsibility 5% Oral test

Afterschool classes available! Reminders to parents Homework is the student’s responsibility, but… How can you help? Review/preview stories The importance of Parents’ signature Online Communication Book (E-book) Please label all belongings EXTRA PRACTICE ONLINE. Go online to use the Treasures Resources: Afterschool classes available!

If you turn in homework late…. Hand-in homework Please be on time Checked by students’ name If you turn in homework late….

Corrections Teacher checks correction in black Student completes work Teacher marks errors in red and shows student Student makes correction Teacher checks correction in black

The Reward Chart

You can get a prize!!!! The Reward Chart

Cambridge Exams

Benchmark-Bilingual 教育階段 Grade 年級 Cambridge exam 劍橋國際檢測 CEFR 歐洲共同語言參考標準 Middle School 中學 Grade 8 FCE B2 Grade 7 PET B1 Elementary 小學 Grade 6 A2 Grade 5 KET/PET Grade 4 KET A1 Grade 3 Flyers Grade 2 Movers Pre A1 Grade 1 Starters

Notice Cambridge is a benchmark exam that allows us to evaluate our program. We encourage our students to register for the benchmark level that is appropriate for each grade level. 劍橋英檢目的在檢核學生是否能夠達到 學校設定目標,我們鼓勵學生報考各年級規定之門檻級數。 The school will only provide the registration form of the exam at the benchmark level that is appropriate for each grade level. 學校僅提供各年級報考門檻級數報名表。

Notice We will, however, provide the registration form for the next level if your child has passed the previous level with full marks for over one year. 然若學生已通過前一級數一 年以上,且達到滿盾牌者,我們仍會主動發給報名表。 Students who attend afterschool Cambridge classes will sit the level as recommended by the afterschool teacher. 參加課後劍橋班的學生由課後教師建議認證級數。

Notice If you would like to sign up for a level above the grade level benchmark, you could sign up with an exam center. 若欲跳級報考高於學校建議之級數,可自行上考試中心查 閱其他場次。網址:

How do we sign up for the exam? We will pass down the registration form at the beginning of the second semester. 下學期開學時會發下報名表。 Please hand in the registration form to the TA. 將報名表填妥交給各班TA即完成報名。

Exam Dates Exam Date Starters Movers Flyers May 5th (Sun.) FCE for Schools May 19th (Sun.) KET for Schools PET for Schools May 26th (Sun.)

Any Suggestions? Contact me by email Leave a message in your child’s communication book. We need to work together. Please check your child’s homework and sign your name on the page.