What I like about SIR/XS. Changes I have seen. What I like about SIR/XS. 15/11/201809 June 2008
Introduction I shall show you some examples of the versions of SIR I have used so that you can see some of the differences. SIR 2 SIR 3 SIR 4 SIR2000 SIR2002 SIR/XS 15/11/2018
Introduction The first version of SIR that I used was SIR 2.1.3 and this was on and ICL 2970 mainframe. This was initially a mostly batch system using punched cards. 15/11/2018
Introduction 15/11/2018
Introduction 15/11/2018
Introduction Use was made occasionally of interactive use. Sometimes a specialist device as shown next which used HOST to access the database. 15/11/2018
Introduction 15/11/2018
Introduction SIR came to the PC world and I shall show some screen shots of the SIR interface in the various versions using a PC. I can demonstrate these if anyone would like to see more at the end. 15/11/2018
Introduction The screen shots will show a common set of activities across versions. Startup Connecting company database Entering a retrieval Running a retrieval from a file 15/11/2018
SIR 2.3 15/11/2018
SIR 2.3 15/11/2018
SIR 2.3 15/11/2018
SIR 2.3 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 NEW FEATURES Menu System New Editor Easy 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 3.2 15/11/2018
SIR 4 NEW FEATURES First Windows Interface Works with No Database attached WDL Windows Design Language API Interface 15/11/2018
SIR 4 15/11/2018
SIR 4 15/11/2018
SIR 4 15/11/2018
SIR 4 15/11/2018
SIR 4 15/11/2018
SIR 4 15/11/2018
SIR 4 WDL 15/11/2018
SIR 4 WDL 15/11/2018
SIR 2000 NEW FEATURES Toolbar Multiple Databases ODBC SQLSERVER WEB Support Master logon/logoff Execute DBMS Spreadsheet Graph 15/11/2018
SIR 2000 15/11/2018
SIR 2000 15/11/2018
SIR 2000 15/11/2018
SIR 2000 15/11/2018
SIR 2000 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018 NEW FEATURES Database Secondary Indexes PQLForms Dialog and PQLForms Screen Painter New Grid Control with VisualPQL interface Extended Strings Automatic compression of database strings Extended VisualPQL limits on constants Redefinition of array dimensions and sizes Sorting array values HEX format on READ and WRITE for binary strings Auto Increment Keys LOOKUP command SHOW/HIDE elements in dialogs POPUP lists in menus and dialogs Extended number of elements (4000+) in a dialogs HELP message for dialogs Parameterized ODBC queries New Menu Interface New DEDIT Dialog Type Extra VisualPQL functions including tabfile schema 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR 2002 15/11/2018
SIR/XS NEW FEATURES Extended syntax allowing names up to 32 characters Non-standard names Enhanced standardised syntax STANDARD SCHEMA and STANDARD VARS New Common Vars definition New variable documentation New write schema options Upgraded record schema modification ADD VARS, DELETE VARS, MODIFY VARS, RENAME VARS Multiple Data Files New Batch Data Utility features including CSV Input/Output New Journaling and Recovery New XML Procedure New GUI Debugger New PQL Server Regular Expressions SEEK function to control file position Timestamp functions Extended syntax on PROCESS CASE CAT VARS in VisualPQL PQLForms update Encryption Enhanced date and time format specification Enhanced picture specification on WRITE and PFORMAT New GUI Controls IN=stdin and OUT=stdout on sirbatch execution command 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
SIR/XS 15/11/2018
What I like about SIR/XS Well I must say that quite a large number of the changes were things on my wish list. Multiple Data Files SEEK function to control file position Timestamp functions IN=stdin and OUT=stdout on sirbatch execution command New PQL Server RENAME VARS 15/11/2018
What I like about SIR/XS So I must say I like these but I also especially like Regular Expressions Enhanced date and time functions Enhanced picture specification New GUI controls New Batch Data Utility features including CSV Input/Output New Journaling and Recovery New XML Procedure New GUI Debugger Extended syntax allowing names up to 32 characters 15/11/2018
What I like about SIR/XS The rest are really good as well Extended syntax on PROCESS CASE CAT VARS in VisualPQL PQLForms update Non-standard names Enhanced standardised syntax STANDARD SCHEMA and STANDARD VARS New Common Vars definition New variable documentation New write schema options Upgraded record schema modification ADD VARS, DELETE VARS, MODIFY VARS Encryption 15/11/2018
What I like about SIR/XS Really I like it all very much. What else would I like to see? Ability for SQLServer to use MASTER for multi user updates. SQL in PQL Some method of indirection for variable names in procedures. To allow for reading variable names from an ODBC datasource and performing procs. You do not know at compile time what the variable names are but will at run time. Associative arrays in PQL 15/11/2018
Any Questions 15/11/2018