Legislative Involvement & Advocacy What’s going on and what can I do about it?
So what is advocacy? Advocate: to support or argue for (a cause, policy, etc.) or to plead in favor of Advocacy: the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal (Merriam Webster) What does that look like?
Is this Advocacy? YES! YES! YES! Talking directly to your public officials, in person or on the phone, about your perspectives on an issue is advocacy. Sending an email to your elected officials telling them how you feel about a topic is advocacy Chatting with other community members about your perspectives is advocacy.
Legislative Hot Topics Federal State of Iowa SNAP/Farm Bill President’s Budget/Harvest Boxes Able-Bodied Adults w/o Dependents (ABAWDs) SNAP Bills Budget Sales Tax Exemption
Food Assistance (SNAP)/Farm Bill Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) is up for reauthorization this year Farm Bill is a wide ranging, multi-year bill encompassing regulations for farm commodity price and income supports, to agricultural conservation to bioenergy to domestic nutrition assistance Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net accounting for about 80% of the farm bill funding. In Iowa, Food Assistance is SNAP Provides eligible individuals with assistance to put food on the table In Iowa as of 2/28/18 – 356,707 Iowans receiving Food Assistance (SNAP) with an average benefit of $221.97 per household
SNAP/Farm Bill Concerned about some SNAP Farm Bill Provisions create additional barriers to maintaining benefits harsh cliff effect & punishments harmful to veterans, seniors & children
Federal Legislators - Senate Sen. Chuck Grassley Sen. Joni Ernst Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee on Finance Committee on the Budget Committee on the Judiciary Joint Committee on Taxation United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee on Armed Services Committee on Environment and Public Works Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship Joint Select Committee on Budget and Appropriations Process Reform
Iowa House Congressional Districts
Federal Legislators – House Rep. Rod Blum – 1st District Rep. Dave Loebsack – 2nd District Oversight and Government Reform Small Business. Energy and Commerce
Federal Legislators - House Rep. David Young – 3rd District Rep. Steve King – 4th District Agriculture Judiciary Small Business Appropriations
Interacting with your Legislators They want to hear from you! Congressional Switchboard (202) 224.3121 https://www.grassley.senate.gov https://www.ernst.senate.gov https://blum.house.gov https://loebsack.house.gov https://davidyoung.house.gov https://steveking.house.gov Find your Iowa Legislator https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find Go to their town halls, come to the Capitol!
What do I say? Every voice is important on these critical issues Say what you feel! Does not need to fit a script Does not need to be long/complicated Does need to be genuine ANY CUT and/or BLOCK GRANTING TO SNAP IS UNACCEPTABLE! Harmful to recipients, communities, grocers, education, healthcare, etc. SNAP works!
Organizations Organizations can help if you need pointers or information Feeding America – FeedingAmerica.org Iowa Food Bank Association – IowaFBA.org Iowa Hunger Coalition – IowaHungerCoalition.org
Regenea A. Hurte Iowa Food Bank Association Iowa Hunger Coalition 515.337.9973 515.505.8628 Regenea@IowaFBA.org IowaHungerCoalition@gmail.com Facebook @IowaFoodBankAssoc Facebook @IowaHungerCoalition www.IowaFBA.org www.IowaHungerCoalition.org