Dual Power is a term used by Lenin Dual Power is a term used by Lenin. Alongside the Provisional Government, the government of bourgeoisie, another government has arisen, so far weak and incipient, but undoubtedly a government that actually exists and is growing— the Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies. WHAT IS THE DUAL POWER?
Dual power was the system of power that Russia had following the February Revolution. During this revolution there were, almost, two revolutions: a middle-class revolution which led to the establishment of the Provisional Government and a working-class revolution which led to the establishment of the Petrograd Soviet. Neither could rule Russia without the other: The Provisional Government didn't have the support of the workers or the bulk of the military; the Soviet didn't have the support of the military officers or the middle classes. :D :D
The dual power had something to do with the February Revolution, the February Revolution took place in St Petersburg. The temperature was very low , it stopped the trains to bring wheat and the people did’nt have much bread to eat as they had bread shortage, people were on edge. 23rd Feb. was international women's day there were women matching protesting about Women’s Rights. Fri Feb 24 the weather started to look better, it was a good weather. Factory workers marched . There was about 150,000 of them. They brang tools, etc. They were knocking over shops etc. 25th Feb. People were calling for the Tsar to stand down Police were called the (pharrots) people were very violence to the police Cossacks watched and did nothing Sun 26th Crowds petro guard turned into a military camp “Street War” And that was the beginning of the dual power, the duma was unwilling to take power because they did’nt want to place themselves at a revolution and held responsible as the Tsar was during WW1. etc. CAUSE