Why the arts make sense in Education PowerPoint by Susan Eberhardt
Article by Linda Nathan The Author starts out by listing early forms of primitive artwork we still can see today. She then asks the question, If arts were a primitive means of self expression or were we trying to communicate in a way that language cannot do alone? She then goes into her background stating that she’s worked in urban schools for over 30 years in the arts, Spanish, math and history and is now a principal of the Boston Arts Academy. Despite the school qualifying for Title 1, over 13% of the students having a learning disability, and there being no academic requirement for entrance (only artistic interest), the school has a 95% college acceptance rate.
Art can help improve grades Art for art’s sake is a “given” at the school. The goal of the school is to integrate the arts into the academic curriculum to engage students of varying abilities to increase overall grades. In Spanish class they study Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Gabriela Mistral, or Celia Cruz. They reenact these historical figures in costume with props and historical context. They have a visiting artist from Mexico teaching solely in Spanish.
Art Can Help develop Young Minds The arts give students a fair chance to explore, interpret and react to their surroundings. They can develop a “critical lens” towards the world. Problems can have more than one solution and make judgments about qualitative relationships. It promotes learning by giving students a sense of ownership towards their work. They can connect more easily to their materials and this creates an emotional response. The arts promote communication The arts are another language. They can facilitate working together within a group to solve problems. This helps to develop communicative skills. The arts make it easier for students to learn about diverse cultures that are new to them.
Art helps create a “safe space” to explore In this environment they have a specific time where they can be passionate and expressive. They will find that they are actually respected and encouraged by peers and adults alike. For this reason they can communicate their ideas, hopes and dreams better with others without fear of judgment. They an figure out who they really are and perhaps expand their horizons.
Young people can find a way to “Give back” As one student Melanie put it; "Young adolescents need the opportunity to be a positive asset to their community.” Students can use community art projects to build bridges within their neighborhoods. They learn to take responsibility and become a “citizen of the world” in which the arts are a powerful force.
References NATHAN, L. (2008). Why the Arts Make Sense in Education. Phi Delta Kappan, 90(3), 177-181. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a 9h&AN=35052593&site=ehost-live