Special Education Discipline Report Webinar 11/15/2018 Special Education Discipline Report Webinar June 9th, 2015
TALKING POINTS Slide: 2 About the collection What’s New for 2014-2015 11/15/2018 TALKING POINTS About the collection What’s New for 2014-2015 Types of Reports Interchange Reports Error Reports Reports to help resolve snapshot errors NEW Snapshot Reports District Activity Report NEW Data Summary Report Indicator 4 Report Year to Year Report FLAGS Inconsistency Reviewing Reports Finalizing Reports What Reports are Due and When? Slide: 2
A bit about the collection Roles and Responsibilities IdM Groups Purpose & Content Collection Period Criteria Discipline Interchange Files & What’s reported Discipline Resources What Interchange files make up the collection? Timeline Lessons Learned 3
Roles and Responsibilities 11/15/2018 Roles and Responsibilities Districts Responsible for submitting the data on students with disabilities with discipline incidences and actions, correcting errors. Administrative Unit Responsible for the Approval and submission of the Special Education Discipline Data Collection Special Education Director Responsible for authorizing reports providing explanations for Year to Year A & B Difference Flags 4
IdM Groups https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/faqs.html 11/15/2018 IdM Groups https://cdeapps.cde.state.co.us/faqs.html DISTRICT Interchange groups associated with the four digit district code DIS District Name PIPELINE -District Number -DIS~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role District Name PIPELINE -District Number -DIS~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role ADMINSITRATIVE UNIT Snapshot groups associated with the five digit administrative unit code SPI AU Name PIPELINE - AU Number -SPI~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role AU Name PIPELINE –AU Number -SPI~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role AU Name PIPELINE –AU Number -SPI~LEAAPPROVER Approver Role Administrative Units with multiple districts may not have more than one DIS role The Special Education Director does not need to be the Approver. They are however responsible for authorizing reports In order to Submit and Approve data the Administrative Unit respondent must have the approver role. If you have changes in staff, emails, name changes, or want to add a phone number in IdM please work with your LAMs. CDE has handed over this responsibility to LEAS. 5
11/15/2018 PURPOSE and CONTENT Section 618(a)(I)(A)(vii) of IDEA requires that states report the number of children with disabilities by: DISABILITY RACE GENDER ELL STATUS Who were subject to: Unilateral Removals by School Personnel for one of the following reasons Drug Weapons Serious Bodily Injury Removal based on a Hearing Officer Determination regarding likely injury Suspension In-School and Out-of-School totaling less than 10 school days and totaling more than 10 school days Expulsions With and without educational services Authorization: P.L. 108-446, §§ 618 (a)(1)(A)(v), 618(a)(1)(D), 618(a)(1)(E), 618(a)(3), and 618(d)(1)(C); 34 CFR §§300.640, 300.641(b) through 300.641(d), 300.644, 300.645 Selected Definitions Dangerous Weapon – A weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such a term does NOT include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2½ inches in length (18 U.S.C. § 930(g)(2)). Disciplinary Removal – Any instance in which a child is removed from his/her educational placement for disciplinary purposes, including in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, removal by school personnel to an interim alternative educational setting for drug or weapon offenses or serious bodily injury, and removal by hearing officer for likely injury to self or others. Drug Offenses – The use, possession, sale, or solicitation of drugs as identified in 21 U.S.C. § 812(c). These offenses do NOT include use, possession, sale, or solicitation of alcohol or tobacco. Expulsion – An action taken by the local educational agency removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local educational agency policy. Include removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days. In-School Suspension – Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel. Direct supervision means school personnel are physically in the same location as students under their supervision. 6
REPORTING PERIOD The Special Education Discipline data collection covers the time period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in which an ACTION took place Each record in the Action file represents either a Discipline or a Removal Slide: 7
Reporting Period for Incidents/Actions 11/15/2018 Reporting Period for Incidents/Actions Incidences may span between July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 Actions must occur in the current collection period of July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 This is a change from the previous year to ensure accurate data reporting 8
Special Education Discipline Criteria 11/15/2018 Special Education Discipline Criteria Special Education Flag must = Incident Identifier Must match between the Action and the Incident File Incident Identifier cannot be zero-filled Actions must be between July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 Incidents must be between July 1, 2013-June 30, 2015 Duplicate records are not allowed Incident Identifier MUST be UNIQUE in the Incident File The System builds off of the Action file so if the Incident Identifier has not been included in the file, records that may have been reported in the Incident file but not in the Action will not make it to the snapshot 9
About the Discipline Interchange 11/15/2018 About the Discipline Interchange The discipline interchange is a set of two files which contain discipline data for the school year – July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 The discipline incident file contains data related to the incident itself. The discipline action file contains information related to the actions that resulted from the discipline incident. This information is used in the Special Education Discipline Collection. 10
Discipline Interchanges 11/15/2018 INCIDENT Admin Unit School District School Code Program Code Incident Identifier MUST match identifier in Action file If the Incident Identifier is NOT in the Action file the record never makes it to the Special Education Discipline Snapshot Date of Incident Behaviors** Weapons** Reported To Law Enforcement** Serious Bodily Injury** ** Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. This data is NOT collected in the Special Education Discipline Data Collection ACTION Admin Unit School District School Code Program Code Incident Identifier MUST match identifier in Incident File SASID Student’s First Name Student’s Last Name Student’s Gender Student’s Date of Birth Discipline Action Identifier Disciplines Discipline Start Date Discipline Action Length Special Education Removal Type Special Education Removal Reason Received Education Services During Expulsion Habitually Disruptive Student** Referred to Alternative School or Program** Special Education Action Flag The Incident Identifier must match between the Incident File and the Action file The Incident Identifier will be unduplicated in the incident file. So if two or more students are involved in an incident. Only report it once in the Incident file and then include it for each student in the Action file. The Action identifier will always be unique in the action file. If you’ve reported an Expulsion let us know if the student RECEIVED services. Not just that they were offered but actually received services. If for some reason the student was expelled and did not receive services expect a contact from someone in CDE for an explanation. Fields with ** may be zero-filled. The original intent of the files was to allow records for both regular and special education students to be reported and were required fields at the time of creation. These fields will be eliminated in 2015-2016. 11
Discipline Incident File 11/15/2018 INCIDENT Admin Unit MUST be 00000 School District School Code Zero-fill if the student is in a Program Program Code http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/org_sped_program_codes Incident Identifier MUST match identifier in Action file MUST be Unique If the Incident Identifier is in the Incident file but not the Action the record won’t make it to the Special Education Discipline Snapshot Date of Incident MMDDYYYY format July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2015 Behaviors**Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. Weapons** Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. Reported To Law Enforcement** Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. Serious Bodily Injury**Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. NOTE: Schools and Dates will be checked against enrollment records Record expectation: In the Discipline Interchange – Discipline Incident file the LEA should submit 1 record per “Incident” per LEA for every discipline incident which occurred at any point in the currently selected school year. This is not a new criteria. 12
Discipline Incident File 11/15/2018 Discipline Incident File Each Incident record represents a single incident. Incident Identifier MUST Match the Incident Identifier in the Action file If the Incident Identifier is included in the Incident File but has been left off of the Action file the record of that incident will NOT make it to the Special Education Discipline Snapshot as it doesn’t meet the snapshot criteria. MUST be Unique School Codes and Dates Be sure the School Codes and Date of Incident matches data reported in the School Association File Incident Identifier will be unduplicated. Fields with ** may be zero-filled No blanks are allowed Incident Date and Incident School will be validated against data in the School Association file. If there is a discrepancy the grade will not populate in the snapshot reports. Please reference the incident school comparison report for details. 13
Discipline Action Interchange 11/15/2018 Discipline Action Interchange The purpose of the Discipline Action file is to capture and verify the attributes of a student with disabilities who were reported with a disciplinary action resulting from a disciplinary incident in the currently selected school year – July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 Student has been assigned a SASID and updated in the RITS System A record for the student exists in the Discipline Incident Interchange File If an action follows in the following school year do NOT report the incident or action in the 2014-2015 but rather in the 2015-2016 school year for which the action took place. Record Expectation: In the Discipline Interchange Action file, the LEA should submit records for students with disabilities reported with a disciplinary action. 14
Discipline Action File 11/15/2018 Discipline Action File Each Action record represents a single action as a result of an Incident. Student has been assigned a SASID and updated in the RITS System A record for the student exists in the Discipline Incident Interchange File Action Identifier A student could have more than one action associated with an incident. The Action identifier will always be unique. Incident Identifier May be duplicated in the Action file MUST match the Incident Identifier from the Incident file Date of Action System will check the start and exit dates in the IEP Participation file to be sure the action did not take place before a student was identified as a student with a disability The Action identifier will be unique The Action must occur between the Entry Date of Special Education and the Exit Date. If the Primary Disability field is blank in the Snapshot report or in the error report this may indicate the student was not considered a student with disabilities at the time of the Action. At the far end of the Snapshot Error report you’ll find the entry and exit date of special education data from the Special Education Discipline IEP Participation file. 15
Discipline Action File 11/15/2018 Admin Unit MUST be 00000 School District School Code Zero-fill if student is in a Program Program Code http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/org_sped_program_codes Incident Identifier MUST match identifier in Incident File If the Incident Identifier is NOT included in the ACTION file the record won’t make it to the Special Education Discipline Snapshot SASID Student’s First Name Student’s Last Name Student’s Gender Student’s Date of Birth Discipline Action Identifier Unique 10 digit code Disciplines Either a Discipline is reported or a Special Education Removal Type is. Both fields can’t have values and both can’t be zero-filled Discipline Start Date System will check the IEP Participation file to see Special Education Start and Exit Dates Discipline Action Length Special Education Removal Type Special Education Removal Reason Only when student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel Received Education Services During Expulsion Habitually Disruptive Student**Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. Referred to Alternative School or Program**Fields may be zero-filled or have a valid code. Special Education Action Flag MUST be 1 denoted Student is a student with disabilities at the time of the Action Fields with the ** may be zero-filled There are no blanks allowed Actions must occur between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 If the student was expelled indicate if they received services. This is the only type of discipline where we report if services were or were not received. Either a student has a discipline or they have a removal. Removal Reason is ONLY required when the student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel The Action Length must be between 0005 and 3650 Either a student was in a school or they were in a program. Special Education Action Flag must = 1 If the Incident Identifier is not included in this file but has been included in the Incident file the record doesn’t meet the criteria and will not be included in the snapshot. 16
Disciplines vs Removals 11/15/2018 Disciplines vs Removals Either a Discipline is reported or a removal is 17
“Discipline” Categories Type of Suspension/Expulsion REMOVALS SUSPENSIONS EXPULSIONS One of the hardest parts of the collection historically is determining what the action is for the student based on what has been reported. If you have questions contact CDE. Another challenging aspect is weeding through Actions that are NOT included in this report. If you have questions contact CDE. Slide: 18
Types of Removals Unilateral Removal by School Personnel Removal Based on a Hearing Officer Page 8 of the 2014-2015 Discipline Interchange Action File http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/20142015disciplineactionfilelayoutanddefinitions Slide: 19
Unilateral Removal by School Personnel Instances in which … School personnel (not the IEP team) order the removal of children with disabilities from their current educational placement to an appropriate Interim Alternative Education Setting for not more than 45 school days. The IEP team is responsible for determining the alternative educational setting. Unilateral removals do NOT include decisions by the IEP team to change a student’s placement. Exclude students who were moved from their current educational placement as a result of a decision by the IEP team to change a student’s placement. For example, if following a discipline offense, the IEP team meets and determines that the child’s current placement is not the least restrictive environment for that child, and therefore makes a permanent change in the child’s IEP placement, do NOT report the child with a Unilateral Removal. Exclude parentally-placed private school students from this file. Exclude students who are removed by school personnel for Drugs Weapons or Serious Bodily Injury and were NOT sent to an Interim Alternative Education Setting – these students should be reported as having been suspended. Slide: 20
Removal Reasons Drugs Serious Bodily Injury Weapons Slide: 21 See page 9 of the 2014-2015 Discipline Interchange Action file layouts http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/20142015disciplineactionfilelayoutanddefinitions This field is ONLY required when the student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel Slide: 21
Removal Based on a Hearing Officer Instances in which … An impartial hearing officer orders the removal of children with disabilities from their current educational placement to an appropriate alternative educational setting for not more than 45 school days The IEP team is responsible for determining the alternative educational setting. See page 8 of the 2014-2015 Discipline Interchange – Action code 02 http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/20142015disciplineactionfilelayoutanddefinitions Exclude students who were moved from their current educational placement as a result of a decision by the IEP team to change a student’s placement. For example, if following a discipline offense, the IEP team meets and determines that the child’s current placement is not the least restrictive environment for that child, and therefore makes a permanent change in the child’s IEP placement, do NOT report the child with a Unilateral Removal. Exclude parentally-placed private school students from this file. Exclude students who are removed by school personnel for drugs weapons or serious bodily injury and were NOT sent to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting. These students should be reported as having been suspended. Slide: 22
Suspensions Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes In-School Suspension Out-of-School Suspension See page 6 of the 2014-2015 Discipline Action file layout http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/20142015disciplineactionfilelayoutanddefinitions Report children with disabilities who were ages 3 through 21 as of the child count date and were subject to either an In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension, or Expulsion. Students who were removed by school personnel for drugs weapons or serious bodily injury and were not sent to an interim alternative educational setting should be reported as having been suspended. Include students who are suspended pending an IEP team meeting in which the student’s IEP placements are changed. Find additional information on page 7 of the file layouts Slide: 23
Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) 11/15/2018 Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) Unilateral Removals by School Personnel and Removed Based on Hearing Officer’s Determination *Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) – An appropriate setting determined by the child’s IEP team or hearing office in which the child is placed for no more than 45 school days. This setting enables the child to continue to receive educational services and participate in the general education curriculum (although in another setting) and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the IEP. As appropriate, the setting includes a functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention services and a modification to address the behavior violation so that it does not recur. 24
Expulsions An action taken by the local educational agency removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with Admin Unit policy Includes removals resulting from violations of the gun free schools act that are modified to less than 365 days If the student was expelled let us know if they received services during the expulsion in the corresponding field. Slide: 25
Action Length 0050 = 5 days 0450 = 45 days 0105 = 10.5 days For any type of removal (unilateral, hearing officer, suspension or expulsion) indicate the number of days of the removal. Must be 4 characters Decimal is implied Must be between .5 and 365 days Half days indicated in 4th position 4th position must either be a 0 or a 5 Examples 0050 = 5 days 0450 = 45 days 0105 = 10.5 days 3650 = 365 days For any type of removal (unilateral, hearing officer, suspension or expulsion) indicate the number of days of the removal. Must be 4 characters Decimal is implied Must be between .5 and 365 days Half days indicated in 4th position 4th position must either be a 0 or a 5 Examples 0050 = 5 days 0450 = 45 days 0105 = 10.5 days 3650 = 365 days You’ll note that the decimal is therefore implied Slide: 26
SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE RESOURCES 11/15/2018 SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE RESOURCES INTERCHANGE http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_sped-discipline Overview Deadlines File Layouts and Definitions Business Rules Templates Trainings SNAPSHOT http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_sped-discipline Overview Deadlines File Layout Business Rules Training Additional Links 27
Interchanges that make up the Special Education Discipline Snapshot 11/15/2018 Interchanges that make up the Special Education Discipline Snapshot INTERCHANGES Discipline Incident Discipline Data Discipline Action Student Demographics Demographics Student School Association Grades IEP Participation Primary Disability Districts are the Authoratative Source for Demographics and Grades Administrative Units are the Authoritative Source for Primary Disability Special education discipline 28 http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/special-education-discipline-file-layout
IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER 11/15/2018 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Monday, April 27 14-15 snapshot available Thursday, May 14 Interchanges must be successfully uploaded Student, School Association, IEP Participation, Discipline Incident/Action Thursday, June 5 14-15 Special Education Discipline Snapshot created by this date Thursday, June 26 90% of your total record count must be passed Discipline Interchange validations Thursday, August 6 90% of your total records must be passed Special Education Discipline Snapshot validations Thursday, August 18 100 % of your total records must be passed interchange & snapshot validations Report Review August 19-26 ALL Final signed reports received by CDE Submit and finalize data – COLLECTION CLOSES Thursday, August 19 - 26 30
SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE DATA COLLECTION 2014-2015 11/15/2018 SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE DATA COLLECTION 2014-2015 DISTRICT REFERENCE September 1, 2014 Discipline Incident and Discipline Action files may be submitted to the Data Pipeline May 14, 2015 Date by which the following interchange files must be submitted by districts Discipline Incident Discipline Action Student Demographics Student School Association Special Education IEP Participation Data must be from current reporting period Number of student records must represent 10% of the total Special Education Discipline Data submitted June 26, 2015 Date by which 90% of the total record count must be passed discipline interchange validations August 6, 2015 Date by which 90% of the total record count must be passed special education discipline snapshot validations August 18, 2015 Date by which 100% of the total record count must be passed interchange and snapshot validations August 19 – 26, 2015 Report Review Week – Districts must be available to make any changes in the interchanges August 26, 2015 Special Education Discipline Collection Closed DISTRICTS SUBMITS AU SUBMITS 31
Lessons Learned Is this the only task you have in your position? 11/15/2018 Lessons Learned Is this the only task you have in your position? Is this the only collection you oversee? Would you rather be…. WIIFM Employees who know their work has meaningful positive impact on others are not just happier they are vastly productive too! 32
What can we do collectively to improve the process? 11/15/2018 Improving the process What can we do collectively to improve the process? CDE Districts Administrative Units Engage the field Submit Early Resolve Errors in a timely basis Communicate with districts when you create a snapshot Work with districts throughout the process Know the collection – attend trainings Create New Reports Be available throughout the collection Send out frequent updates Provide your district number, AU number, subject matter in email communications; business rule, problem loading, report issue Work collaboratively 33
11/15/2018 TEAMWORK ful 34
11/15/2018 What’s New for 2014-2015 Program Code field added to both the Incident and Action files (Program Exceptions are no longer required). Districts should work with Administrative Units to determine if a student should be reported in a program as opposed to a school. New Report for Administrative Units to see the status of interchange submissions and errors. Technical Assistance for interchange rules should be directed to CDE New Report for Districts to see Snapshot Errors District and Administrative Unit specific timeline references Single Incidences of ½ will be included. Report them as 0005 please Expanded the definitions in the file layouts to provide additional clarification on Disciplines and Unilateral Removals. Year to Year Report - Adding Expulsions to Year to Year report 35
11/15/2018 Where do I find reports Respondents with the DIS role have access to the Discipline Interchange Reports in COGNOS Respondents with the SPI role will have access to the Special Education Discipline Reports in COGNOS under Special Education Discipline 36
INTERCHANGE REPORTS DISTRICT Error Reports Action & Incident (Summary & Detail) Incident Identifier Match Incident & School Enrollment Date Comparison Report SNAPSHOT Error Reports (Summary & Detail) Slide: 37
If I’m a District Respondent How do I know… 11/15/2018 If I’m a District Respondent How do I know… If my file successfully uploaded? Batch Maintenance Processed Indicator YES If I have Interchange errors Batch Maintenance Error Count Correct Record Count Batch Maintenance Record Count Is the number accurately reflecting the number of records you submitted? If not a record might not be meeting the Special Education Discipline Snapshot criteria Also check your emails you will get a notification 39
Located under File Upload in the Data Pipeline System 11/15/2018 Batch Maintenance Located under File Upload in the Data Pipeline System 40
VALIDATION REPORT DISTRICT ROLE 11/15/2018 VALIDATION REPORT DISTRICT ROLE If you just want to get a summary of errors you can go to Validation Report under File Upload in the Data Pipeline system and see what errors you are getting and how many of each error. 41
ERROR REPORTS District Role 11/15/2018 ERROR REPORTS District Role Incident Detail and Summary What does it mean if I can’t pull down my district in a report? Where can I see what Business Rules there are for this interchange? http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/inter_sped-discipline Action 42
Common Incident Errors 11/15/2018 Common Incident Errors ADMIN UNIT Must equal 00000 School Code and Program Code Reminder either the student was in a School or a Program. Both fields can’t be 0000 and both can’t have a value Date of Incident Cannot be blank MMDDYYYY Between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2015 Behavior/Reported to Law Enforcement/Serious Bodily Injury Doesn’t have enough characters, its null, it’s not valid. Incident Identifier Cannot be duplicated Must match the one in the Action file Cannot be the same as the Action identifier 43
Common Action Errors ADMIN UNIT Must equal 00000 Birthdate MMDDYYYY 11/15/2018 Common Action Errors ADMIN UNIT Must equal 00000 Birthdate MMDDYYYY Gender Must be a valid two digit code SASID Must be a VALID SASID In the RITS System School Code and Program Code Reminder either the student was in a School or a Program. Both fields can’t be 0000 and both can’t have a value Incident Identifier Can be duplicated if more than one student was involved in the incident or more than 1 action resulted from the incident for the student Must match the one in the Incident file Cannot be the same as the Action identifier Action Identifier Must be unduplicated Cannot be the same as the Incident Identifier 44
Common Action Errors Discipline Date Disciplines Removal Type 11/15/2018 Common Action Errors Discipline Date MMDDYYYY Between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 Disciplines Must be a valid code 01 02 03 If Discipline is 01 02 03 then Removal Type must be 00 Removal Type Must be a valid code 01 02 If Removal Type is 01 or 02 then Discipline must be 00 Removal Reason Only in instances where student was Unilaterally Removed by School Personnel Received Services Did the student receive services during an Expulsion? Yes or No If the Action is not an Expulsion you may zero-fill this field Habitually Disruptive/Referred to ALT School Must be valid code 45
Incident Identifier Discipline Action Without Incidents 11/15/2018 Incident Identifier Discipline Action Without Incidents The report lets you know if you have reported an Incident Identifier in the Action file but it can’t find a corresponding one in the Incident file Discipline Incident Without Actions The report lets you know if you’ve reported an Incident Identifier in the Incident file but it can’t find a corresponding one in the Incident file The system builds off of the Action file. If the Incident Identifier has not been included in this file will not make it to the snapshot if an incident identifier has been reported in the Incident File 46
Incident and School Enrollment Date Comparison Report 11/15/2018 Incident and School Enrollment Date Comparison Report SD017 ERROR – No Grade This report provides you information when the Incident School Code or Incident Date are not matching up with the information reported in the School Association File. If you are missing a grade in the Snapshot after you’ve checked to ensure interchange files are successfully loaded and are error free check to see if you have records in this report. If you have records in this report you’ll need to work with the District person overseeing student to verify the data and make the necessary corrections 47
11/15/2018 Snapshot Error Report Now you can see the snapshot errors for your district and can make the changes in the interchange 48
Errors found in the reports 11/15/2018 Errors found in the reports Make the correction in your source file and re-upload the interchange file where the error is occurring. Administrative Units will need to work with the Districts. Slide: 49
SNAPSHOT REPORTS ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT District Activity Report Incident Identifier Match Incident and School Enrollment Date Comparison Report SIGNATURE REPORTS (DETAIL REPORTS) SNAPSHOT Error Reports (Summary & Detail) Director Authorized Slide: 50
District Activity Report 11/15/2018 District Activity Report This report provides the Administrative Unit status on interchanges District Code District Name File Description Batch ID Submitted By Data Processed Processed Indicator School Year Number of Records Number of Errors Number of Warnings If you have snapshot errors, first check if there are interchange errors 52
Common Snapshot Errors 11/15/2018 Common Snapshot Errors Trying to resolve Snapshot errors when A file has not successfully uploaded There are interchange errors Records with Interchange errors will be included in the Excluded report There are records in the Action without Incident report There are records in the Incident without Action report Birth Date Calculated age must be >= to 3 and < 22 as of December 1 Age is outside of valid range (send in exception) A child cannot be reported as a Preschooler with a Disability if they were 9 or older as of December 1 http://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/snap_sped-discipline 53
Common Snapshot Errors 11/15/2018 Common Snapshot Errors Discipline Action Length Cannot Exceed What happens if a student had an incident earlier in the year and then an expulsion later in the year. Verify data. If accurate provide an exception Grade Level Make sure the Date and School Code in the Discipline file matches the information in the School Association File Date of Incident Must be Included LASID Check the Activity Report has a file been successfully uploaded? Primary Disability The Date of the Action must come after the Entry Date of Sped and before the Exit Date of Sped. 54
Common Snapshot Errors 11/15/2018 Common Snapshot Errors Special Education Suspensions/Expulsions vs Removal Types Either a student was suspended or expelled OR they were Unilaterally Removed Both the Discipline and the Removal Type cannot have a value nor can they both be zero-filled. Look at the Year to Year report are you consistently reporting the events? Only if you are reporting a Unilateral Removal by School Personnel should you be reporting a Reason. 55
Special Education Discipline Director Authorized Reports Data Summary Indicator 4 Year to Year Report Explanations for Flags Slide: 56
Data Summary Report This report contains the number of children with disabilities (by disability, race/ethnicity, gender, and English Language Learner status ) who were subject to: unilateral removal by school personnel following a drug or weapon offense or serious bodily injury, removal based on a hearing officer determination regarding likely injury, suspension (both In-School and Out-of-School totaling less than 10 school days and totaling more than 10 school days), and expulsion with and without educational services. Slide: 57
Section 2: Removals to an IAES Based on a Hearing Office Determination Regarding Likely Injury. Sections 1 A, B, C. D: Unilateral Removals to an IAES by School Personnel. Report the number of children ages 3-21 who were unilaterally removed for drugs, weapons, serious bodily injury. Children with more than 1 unilateral removal should be counted only once in column 1 A. Report the total number of times the children reported in column 1A were unilaterally removed for Drug offenses. Report the total number of times the children reported in column 1A were unilaterally removed for Weapon offenses. Report the total number of times the children reported in column 1A were unilaterally removed for Serious Bodily Injury offenses. Report the number of children ages 3-21, who were removed to an IAES based on a Hearing Officer Determination of likely injury to themselves or others. Children removed by a hearing officer more than once should be counted only once in column 2. Sections 1 A, B, C, D & Section 2 will repeat for Disability, Race/ Ethnicity, Gender, ELL Status. The report will look lat the Federal Race/ Ethnicity Reporting Category for the Race/Ethnic codes. Section A: Disciplinary Removal by Disability. This slide provides information related specifically to Removals Section 1A: Number of Children Unilaterally Removed to an IAES by School Personnel Section 1B: Number of Times students were Unilaterally Removed to an IAES for Drugs Section 1C: Number of Times students were Unilaterally Removed to an IAES for Weapons Section 1D: Number of Times students were Unilaterally Removed to an IAES for Serious Bodily Injury Section 2: Number of Children Removed to an IAES by a Hearing Officer for Serious Bodily Injury Sections 1 & 2 are broken out by Primary Disability, Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting category, Gender, and ELL status If a child reported in column 1A was unilaterally removed to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting more than once then this child should be counted more than once in columns 1B,1C,1D. If, in the course of a single incident, a child committed more than one type of offense, then report the child in each of the appropriate columns. Slide: 58
Section 4A and 4B: In-School Suspensions totaling 10 days or less or > 10 days respectively. Sections 3A and 3B Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions totaling 10 days or less or > 10 days respectively. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions summing to 10 days or less during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 3A. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions summing to more than 10 days during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 3B. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with In-School Suspensions summing to 10 days or less during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 4A.. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with In-School Suspensions summing to more than 10 days during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 4A. Sections 3A , 3B, 4A, 4B will repeat for Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, ELL Status. The report will be looking at the Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category for the Race/Ethnic codes. Section A: Disciplinary Removal by Disability. This slide provides information related specifically to In-School Suspensions Section 4A and 4B as well as Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsion Section 3A and 3B. Section 3A: Number of Children with Out-of-School Suspensions and/or Expulsions summing to 10 days or less Section 3B: Number of Children with Out-of-School and/or Expulsions summing to more than 10 days. (This is the column that is used for Indicator 4 calculations of AU rate and significant discrepancy) Section 4A: Number of Children with In-School Suspensions summing to 10 days or less Section 5A: Number of Children with In-School Suspensions summing to more than 10 days Information related to In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions/Expulsions is broken down by Primary Disability, Federal Race Reporting Category, Gender, and ELL Status. A child who is subject to both an In-School Suspension and an Out-of-School Suspension for the same offense should be reported in both columns 3 and 4. Slide: 59
Section 5A: Total Disciplinary Removals Section 5A: Total Disciplinary Removals. 5B: # of Children with Disciplinary Removals totaling 1 Day of Less. 5C: # of Children with Disciplinary Removals totaling 2-10 Days. 5D: # of Children with Disciplinary Removals totaling Greater than 10 Days. Report the number of times any child with a disability was subject to any of the following disciplinary actions during the school year: In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions, Expulsion, Removals by School Personnel to an IAES or by a Hearing Officer. Report any child whose cumulative length of removal during the school year totaled 1 day. Report any child whose cumulative length of removal during the school year totaled between 2 and 10 days. Report any child whose cumulative length of removal during the school year totaled more than 10 days. Sections 5A , B, C, D will repeat for Disability, Race/ Ethnicity, Gender, ELL Status. The report will be looking at the Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category for the Race/Ethnic codes. Section A: Disciplinary Removal by Disability. Includes 1.5 cumulative length of removal during the school year . This slide provides information shows ALL disciplinary incidences including Unilateral Removals by School Personnel, Unilateral Removals by a Hearing Officer, In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions and broken down by Primary Disability, Federal Race Reporting Category, Gender, and ELL Status. Section5A: Number of Times child was subject to any disciplinary action Section 5B: Report of Children with cumulative length of removal for any disciplinary incident during the reporting period totaling 1 day Section 5C: Report on Children with cumulative length of removal for any disciplinary incident during the reporting period totaling 2-10 days. (Please pay special attention to Column 5 C = 2-10 days which includes 1.5 cumulative length of removal during the school year). Section 5D: Report on Children with cumulative length of removal for any disciplinary incident during the reporting period totaling greater than 10 days. All children reported in columns 5B through 5D should have one or more disciplinary removals reported in column 5A. The sum of 5B, 5C, and 5D is the total number of children with one or more disciplinary removals during the school year. Each child reported in columns 1A, 2,3 or4 should be reported only ONCE in column 5B, 5C, or 5D, based on the cumulative number of days the child was removed during the school year. Slide: 60
Section 6: Children Subject to Expulsions: 6A: Received Education Services During Expulsion. 6B: Did NOT receive Educational Services During Expulsion. Report the number of children with disabilities ages 3-21 who were subject to expulsion during the school year and who received educational services during the expulsion. Report the number of children with disabilities ages 3-21 who were subject to expulsion during the school year and did NOT receive educational services during the expulsion. Incidences of Expulsions where the student did NOT receive services reported in the Discipline collection will be cross referenced with students reports with a Basis of EOY Student Collection. Exit Code 50 – Expulsions in the SPED. Section E: Children Subject to Expulsion With and Without Educational Services by Disability Status. This slide provides the data relative to Expulsions with services and without services. Section 6A: Report of children who were subject to expulsion during the reporting period and received educational services during the expulsion Section 6B: Report of children who were subject to expulsion during the reporting period and did NOT receive educational services during the expulsion. CDE will be contacting Aus in regard to discrepancies in reporting’s of expulsions reported in the Special Education Discipline collection as well as the Special Education EOY collection. Children with disabilities must receive services during any suspension or expulsion of more than 10 school days. The only children with disabilities who should be reported in column 6b are those who were removed for less than 10 school days after an expulsion (e.g. children with disabilities expelled under the Gun-Free Schools Act who expulsions were modified to less than 10 school days). Children with disabilities must receive educational services during any suspension or expulsion of more than 10 school days. The only children with disabilities who should be reported in column 6B are those who were removed for less than 10 school days after an expulsion(e.g., children with disabilities expelled under the Gun-Fee Schools Act whose expulsions were modified to less than 10 school days). Slide: 61
CERTIFICATION: I certify that the children reported represent an accurate account of all children in special education with disciplinary removals throughout the current school year and that these data are valid and reliable. I understand that a portion of these data will be used to calculate suspension/expulsion rates (Part B SPP Indicator 4) for my Administrative Unit/State Operated Program and will be reported to the Office of Special Education Program at the U.S. Department of Education. By authorizing this report, you are confirming in writing that the data reported is both valid and reliable. REMINDER: When you send in the Data Summary Report, please send the 14 page report in it’s entirety. By authorizing this report, you are confirming in writing that the data reported is both valid and reliable. Slide: 62
Indicator 4 Percent of districts that have a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for children with IEPs (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A)) Indicator 4a takes the number of students an AU has reported as being suspended or expelled for greater than 10 days and uses December count population numbers to determine a rate at which students are being removed for greater than 10 days. All AU rates are then used to devise a state median rate for removals. The median is multiplied by 6 yielding the rate that if AUs fall above the median times 6, they are identified as having a significant discrepancy. Being identified as being significantly discrepant may trigger a review of policies, procedures and practices. Indicator 4a is a performance indicator. However, the AU must submit valid data in regards to student disciplinary removals. Indicator 4b takes the same data set and examines it by race/ethnicity. Numbers of removals by race/ethnicity are compared to the total special education population for the same race/ethnicity. Significantly discrepant is any AU that has 10% more removals by race/ethnicity than there is in the entire special education population. AUs having significantly discrepant numbers of removals by race/ethnicity will have a review of policies, procedures and practices. Indicator 4b is a compliance indicator and the target is set at 0%. Slide: 63
Indicator 4 Detail Listing CERTIFICATION: I certify that the children reported represent an accurate account of all children I special education who were removed for greater than 10 school days throughout the current school year and that these data are valid and reliable. I understand that a portion of these data will be used to calculate suspension/expulsion rates (Part B SPP Indicator 4) for my Administrative unit and will be reported to the Office of Special Education Program at the U.S. Department of Education. This report is the Indicator 4 Detail Listing that requires a signature by the Special Education Director and must be sent into CDE by 3:00 pm August 28th. You just need to send in the last page with the signature. Because there is student data on this report, please black out the last name of students before faxing, thank you. To validate Indicator 4 data, whether it be this report or the previous data summary report specific to column 3B – suspensions/expulsions greater than 10 days, check that first, the student information is correct. The race/ethnicity, disability and gender must be accurate. Next check the length of days and verify that the length of removal is the same as what actually occurred for the student. If you find the data to be incorrect, you have until August 29th to correct it. By authorizing this report, you are confirming in writing that the data reported is both valid and reliable. Slide: 64
Adding Expulsions to the report By Disability ALL Adding Expulsions to the report Year to Year Report Slide: 65
By Individual Federal Race Reporting Categories Adding Expulsions to the report Year to Year Report Slide: 66
Adding Expulsions to the report By Gender Adding Expulsions to the report Year to Year Report Slide: 67
Year to Year Report Flag Explanations Please remember to provide explanations for the A & B flags from the Year to Year Report no later than Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 Slide: 69
Detail Reports Available Access reports from Cognos under Special Education Discipline Disciplinary Removals Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions & In-School Suspensions Detail Report in Excel Unilateral Removals to an IAES Children Subject to Expulsion If a student had 2 expulsions you will see them twice in the Detail report but 1 time in the Data Summary Report column 6 page 13 70
11/15/2018 Inconsistency in Data Students Reported Inconsistently by more than 1 Admin Unit/SOP Name Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category ELL Status Gender Primary Disability Slide: 71
Reviewing Report Recap If you want to see a detailed list of errors, go to Cognos at the bottom of the Data Pipeline System Screen Another window will open Choose Discipline Interchange Folder and choose one of the following error reports Discipline Action Error Detail Report Discipline Action Error Summary Report Discipline Incident Error Detail Report Discipline Incident Error Summary Report 72
Accessing Reports You can choose to view all Errors and Warnings 11/15/2018 Accessing Reports You can choose to view all Errors and Warnings Just one Error or Warning Choose the Finish Button once you’ve made your selection. If no selection is made all of the errors will be displayed on the report. If there are no errors you will not see your district in the drop down as there is no report to display 73
Reviewing and Downloading Reports 11/15/2018 Reviewing and Downloading Reports You can view the errors and the records receiving the error on-line in the browser or you can download the report as PDF HXML or EXCEL Be sure to choose the “Format” Option if you choose EXCEL Remember if you are reviewing the report in the browser to hit page down to see the next set of records and their errors. FIXING ERRORS Once you know what records have which error, go to the source make a correction, make a change in the interchange file, and reupload the updated file in the Data Pipeline website. 74
Expulsions – Validity Check 11/15/2018 Expulsions – Validity Check Closer to the end of the Special Education Discipline Collection we will be conducting validity checks around Expulsions between the Special Education Discipline collection and the Special Education End of Year Collection. An expulsion without services was reported in the SPED EOY collection but not in the Discipline collection An expulsion without services was reported in the SPED Discipline data collection but not in the SPED EOY collection. There are inconsistencies in the expulsions being reported between the SPED Discipline and the SPED EOY collections. Slide: 75
SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE REPORT RELATED DEADLINES 11/15/2018 SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE REPORT RELATED DEADLINES Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Date by which you must have generated your complete Special Education Discipline Snapshot dataset by passing all interchange and snapshot validations in preparation for report review. Wednesday, August 19-August 26, 2015 Report review week. Review reports in detail and make any data corrections deemed necessary to ensure you are reporting valid and reliable data Thursday, August 26, 2015 Final report review AND approval 76
August 26th, 2015 Deadline Final report review AND approval. 11/15/2018 August 26th, 2015 Deadline Final report review AND approval. Date by which the Administrative Unit must approve their completed Special Education Discipline Data Collection Snapshot and electronically SUBMIT the data to CDE via the Data Pipeline, verifying that it’s valid and reliable by emailing or faxing in the signed Data Summary Report (all 14 pages), Indicator 4 Report, and the Year to Year Report along with explanations for A& B Flags. Send in ALL Signed reports to CDE via email or fax 303-866-6888 Submit to CDE and Approve! 77
11/15/2018 Technical Assistance Email the team at Gleason_k@cde.state.co.us; Heitman_l@cde.state.co.us; Remember to include AU and District Number, Collection, and Subject Email datapipeline.support@cde.state.co.us with technical issues and copy the team. Just a phone call away Kristi 303-866-4620 Lindsey 303-866-5759 78