Rule 21 Working Group 2 Issue 6 subgroup Conference call August 21, 2018 415-429-8160 Remote access:
Introductions and purpose R.17-07-007 considers refinements to the interconnection of DERs under Rule 21. The Scoping Memo directs Working Group 2 to develop proposals for Issues 8, 9, 10, 11, and 6. The Working Group is to submit a final report no later than Sept. 15, 2018. Issue 6: Should the Commission require the Utilities to develop forms and agreements to allow distributed energy resource aggregators to fulfill Rule 21 requirements related to smart inverters? If yes, what should be included in the forms and agreements? [added via February 14 Email Ruling]
Working Group Schedule Meeting/Deliverable Date Agenda Items Notes 8/21: Issue 6 Call (1-2pm) Issue 8 Call (2-4pm) Follow up on Issue 8 Action Items (See above table) 8/27: Final Issue 8 Proposal + Draft Issue 9 Proposal Gridworks to WG 8/29: In-person 1. Final Issue 8 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks, et al.) 2. Draft Issue 9 Proposal (Gridworks) 3. Issue 10 (All) This will be final discussion of Issue 8 9/7 WG Comments on Draft Issue 9 Proposal 9/12: Issue 6 Call (1-2pm) Issue 9/10/11 Call (2-4pm) TBD 9/19: In Person 1. Final Issue 9 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks, et al.) 2. Issue 11 Discussion (All) This will be the final discussion of Issue 9 10/1: Final Issue 9 Proposal + Draft Issue 6/10/11 Proposal 10/3: Issue 6 Call (1-2pm) Issue 10/11 Call (2-4pm) Draft Issue 10/11 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks) 10/5 WG Comments on Draft Issue 10/11 Proposal 10/8: Final Issue 6/10/11 Proposal 10/10: In person 1. Final Issue 10/11 Proposal Discussion (Gridworks, et al.) 2. Clean Up This will be the final discussion of Issues 10/ 11, and 6 10/31: Final Report Filed Led by Energy Division
Issue 6 Feedback to Sunspec’s Minimal Data Set for Qualifying Aggregators straw man proposal (refer to slide 8) STEM’s comments
Issue 6 Existing contracts to be considered as a starting point for the creation of utility/aggregator agreement. ESP Service Agreement CAISO Network Connectivity Security Requirements and Agreement BPI for Direct Telemetry HECO Grid Service Purchase Agreement