Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups? Chapter 6 Key Issue 4 Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups?
Religion Vs. Government Policies Religious identification can lead to religious conflict. The Hindu caste system, which was the hereditary class into which a Hindu was placed according to religious laws has led to social and ethnic conflict in India. These issues are less significant now that the caste system has been legally abolished. The rise of communism was also a challenge to organized religion, especially in Eastern Europe and Asia.
Religion Vs. Religion Religious conflict continues in many parts of the world, especially at the boundaries between different religions, branches, and denominations. These conflicts have complex historical, social, and ethnic roots and must be also understood in the context of political geography. For example, there has been longstanding conflict in the Middle East. The city of Jerusalem contains sites that are sacred to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. There have been religious wars in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants that have their origins in the English conquest of Ireland centuries ago.