The General Education CLAS Core
Current GE CLAS Core requirements: Communication and Literacy Rhetoric (4 s.h.) Interpretation of Literature (3 s.h.) World Languages((fourth-level proficiency) ) Current GE CLAS Core requirements: Around 1/3 of the 120 hours for the degree (35 s.h. w/o WL) Natural, Quantitative, and Social Sciences Natural Sciences (7 s.h. with one lab) Quantitative or Formal Reasoning (3 s.h.) Social Sciences (3 s.h.) Students fulfill GE requirements in many ways besides courses offered at UI: Advanced Placement or other exams in high school; college courses taken in the high school or at a community college; transfer credit through distance education or summer courses from other institutions or from study abroad, for example. Culture, Society, and the Arts Diversity and Inclusion (3 s.h.) Historical Perspectives (3 s.h.) International and Global Issues (3 s.h.) Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts (3 s.h.) Values and Culture (3 s.h.) (3 s.h.)
Who takes GE CLAS Core Courses? First-year CLAS undergraduates often take more GE s.h. than other students. Last Fall First-Year Students 3,942 students entered CLAS ACT Score (middle 50%) 23-28 SAT Score (middle 50%) 1150-1370 11150-1370150-137 High School GPA Mean 3.69 Average UI GPA 2.90 (over last 5 years) Almost 25% first-generation Almost 20% underrepresented minorities Around 3% international 58% of first-year students are from Iowa 28% from Illinois 11% from other states Students from the other UI colleges also take GE CLAS courses for those college’s requirements.
4-Year Graduation Rates
“ “Why do I have to take a course in this area? I am not interested in the topic. I just want to earn my degree and graduate.”
GE Courses must help students to Learn how to learn Learn the skills needed to learn more Progress along the learning continuum Meet students at their level. But don’t let them linger there too long.
ACE GE Core Questions on Evaluations: Sample Social Sciences I better understand how social scientists conduct research, gather data, and derive conclusions. My ability to evaluate data, conclusions, and hypotheses has improved. I am better able to support my ideas and positions using evidence. Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts I better understand processes an artist might use to create art. I have a better knowledge of how art is interpreted and evaluated. I can see how art is related to the artist’s context, culture, and identity.
CLAS>Faculty>General Education Important Web Pages CLAS>Faculty>General Education Goals and Course Attributes Comprehensive Outcomes Area Outcomes Instructional Policies Faculty Oversight Assessment ACE Teaching Evaluation Questions Proposing a Course for GE CLAS Core Status