CALPADS End of Year Reporting Preparation


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Presentation transcript:

CALPADS End of Year Reporting Preparation April 2018

Reminders of the options for training, tips and tools Objectives Review activities that can be done in advance of End of Year reporting to better prepare to meet timelines and ensure accurate reporting Planning for the tasks needed to be accomplished, identifying who will verify reports, and who will be certifying, for each of the EOY collections Identifying key dates to build reporting calendars within local timelines and constraints Reminders of the options for training, tips and tools Review of how EOY Data are Used EOY Data used in the CA School Dashboard EOY Reporting Preparation

CALPADS EOY Prep EOY Reporting Preparation

General Preparation Keep CALPADS up-to-date (Enrollments, demographics, programs, ELAS) Check with your vendor for system updates and processing recommendations Coordinate with school sites to update discipline and program data Attend EOY training Run audits of data to check for all required elements Use ODS reports for preliminary counts Identify who will review and verify EOY submission data Create a schedule for data submission, reviews and certification Account for school closures and staff vacations Coordinate with SELPA EOY Reporting Preparation

Reporting Timelines EOY Snapshots available - May 14 EOY Initial Deadline - July 31 EOY Amendment Window – August 1 – 24 4-Year Cohort Adjustments Deadline mid-September S M T W F May 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 July August SEPTEMBER EOY Reporting Preparation

Participants EOY 1 EOY 2 EOY 3   Crs Staff CTE Pgm Disc STAS Cuml Enrol School Type Traditional (non-educational options schools) Y District Level Programs (Independent Study and Home Hospital Programs) P County Community District Community Day Youth Authority Schools (currently called Division of Juvenile Justice) Juvenile Court Schools Continuation High Schools Opportunity Alternative Schools of Choice State Special Schools Home and Hospital Schools(5) Special Education Consortium Y(1) Special Education Non-Public School Group (0000001) (2) N ROP/ROC(4) EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 2 – Program Participation Required for ALL LEAs If no programs offered or students participating in programs Certify with 0 counts √ Task Notes Make sure all program records are updated in SIS Identify who will review and verify program counts Title I, Homeless coordinator Coordinate with school sites to update program data Verify Title 1 Status for schools in CARS (Targeted or School-wide) Must be updated by 6/30/2018 Update CALPADS with program participation (SPRG) for: Code 108 – Opportunity Program Code 113 – California Partnership Academy Code 162 – Pregnant or Parenting Programs Code 192 – Military Families Code 185 – Transitional Kindergarten Code 101 – 504 Accommodation Plan Code 122 – NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Code 174 – NCLB Title I Part A Neglected Code 191 – Homeless (includes infants, toddler, and pre-K)   Report students who would be eligible EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 2 Report Verification Description Reviewer(s) Availability 5.1 Program Participants Count Count of all students who participated (or were eligible) for the identified programs, at any time during the Reporting Year   5.4 Homeless Students Enrolled Unduplicated Count by School A summary of students reported as homeless any time during the Reporting Year EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 3 – Discipline and Absenteeism Required for ALL LEAs √ Task Notes Coordinate with school sites to update discipline data Run audits of data to check for all required elements Identify who will review and verify discipline and absenteeism reports Special Ed, SELPA, Attendance Accounting staff Counselors Update CALPADS with discipline data (SDIS) Update CALPADS with attendance data (STAS) Full replacement files – okay to upload multiple times EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 3 Report Verification - Discipline Description Reviewer(s) Availability 7.1 Discipline Incidents Count by Most Severe Offense Total number of Discipline Incidents by Most Severe Offense, committed by students at any time during the Reporting Year.   7.3 Disciplinary Actions Count Reports the disciplinary actions taken. 7.4 Discipline Actions Count by Offense Reports the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. 7.6 Discipline Actions Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions Reports counts of expulsions for specific Education Code violations and indicates whether a school is an At-Risk School. 7.7 Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities – Count Reports the number of removals for students with disabilities by primary disability and type of removal. SELPA 7.8 Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities – Count Reports the number of unilateral removals for students with disabilities by primary disability and type of removal. EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 3 Report Verification - Absenteeism Description Reviewer(s) Availability 1.21 Cumulative Enrollment - Count Counts of all students enrolled during the school year.   14.1 Student Absenteeism - Count Counts of all students enrolled during the school year by absentee rates. EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 1 – Course Completion and CTE Required for schools with students in Grades 7-12 in Departmentalized settings Collects all courses completed during the school year High school classes need A-G courses tagged Elementary only or self-contained only Certify with 0 counts County Office √ Task Notes Use Supporting Report Expected Schools Information Report 1.0a to determine which schools must report EOY 1 Submit and Post Staff Demographics (SDEM) Submit and Post Course Section Completion (CRSC) Submit and Post Student Course Section Completion (SCSC)   For Schools with CTE programs Update CALPADS with CTE data (SCTE) EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 1 Report Verification Description Reviewer(s) Availability 3.9 Course Sections Completed Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses The number of course sections within content area for the academic year by school.   3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers Count by Pathway The total number of CTE Concentrators and completers by Pathway and core indicators. 3.17 Career Technical Education Non-Concentrators – Count by Industry Sector The total number of non-concentrators by Industry Sector and core indicators. EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY 1 Report Verification Description Reviewer(s) Availability 3.9 Course Sections Completed Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses The number of course sections within content area for the academic year by school.   3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers Count by Pathway The total number of CTE Concentrators and completers by Pathway and core indicators. 3.17 Career Technical Education Non-Concentrators – Count by Industry Sector The total number of non-concentrators by Industry Sector and core indicators. EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY Exits Required for ALL LEAs √ Task Notes Update exit status for all students in SIS Continuing students, matriculating, graduates, other Submit SENR to exit ALL students Use Data Guide Appendix C for descriptions and use of Exit and School Completion Status codes For schools with high school graduates Use cohort report to verify graduates are reported accurately Identify students completing a-g requirements, Golden State Merit Seal diploma, Seal of Biliteracy EOY Reporting Preparation

CAASPP/CALPADS Reminders To avoid data issues : Keep CALPADS up-to-date with student demographic and program data During the testing window, LEAs should review subgroup data available in TOMS in the LEA-level Student Demographics Report and correct any data prior to the end of their testing window Enroll and exit students in CALPADS on a timely basis Avoid retroactive updates of student exits - in particular, be sure to exit before the testing window opens, any students who leave before the testing window opens Wait until testing window closes to “pre-exit” students

CAASPP/CALPADS Reminders Retroactive updates of exits causes confusion EXAMPLE A student exits on 4/18/17 prior to the 5/1/17 opening of the LEA’s testing window On 5/2/17, the LEA exits the student from CALPADS with a 4/18/17 exit date Since the student was exited from CALPADS after the testing window opened on 5/1/17 the student was included in the CALPADS to TOMS file and therefore a testing registration was created The student will continue to be in the Completion Status Report for the remainder of the testing window The student is counted as “not tested” on the public reporting site, which is misinterpreted as the participation rate While the CDE screens such students out when the official participation rate is calculated, LEAs are confused when they receive Student Score Reports for such students EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY Training EOY Submission Overview and Changes for Experienced Users Review of all EOY (1-3) submissions. Geared towards experienced CALPADS who have previous experience with EOY reporting Course focuses on changes and most frequent support topics. Webinar sessions available late April – early May End of Year (EOY) 2 and 3 - Reporting and Certification This course provides detailed instructions for EOY 2 and EOY 3 Reporting and Certification. It also covers certification errors, how to use the CALPADS documentation for troubleshooting and error resolution, and common problems with EOY 2 and 3. Webinar sessions available throughout May End of Year (EOY) 1 Reporting and Certification This course provides detailed instructions for EOY 1 Reporting and Certification. It also covers certification errors, how to use the CALPADS documentation for troubleshooting and error resolution, and common problems with EOY 1. Webinar sessions available mid-May – early June CALPADS Four Year Adjusted Cohort Processing and Reporting Prepare participants to use the new cohort reports and verify the accuracy of the cohort groupings.  The business rules will be explained including cohort inclusions, cohort outcomes, and cohort report processing window. Webinar sessions planned for April - May EOY Reporting Preparation

EOY Training Training Participants Scheduled EOY Submission Overview and Changes for Experienced Users   End of Year (EOY) 2 and 3 - Reporting and Certification End of Year (EOY) 1 Reporting and Certification CALPADS Four Year Adjusted Cohort Processing and Reporting EOY Reporting Preparation

Certified Aggregate Reports Tools Local SIS Audits Use built-in tools, queries to ensure all data elements collected Other processes (e.g. UC/CSU calculations) Certified Aggregate Reports Check Expected Schools report Review 2016-17 EOY reports Familiarize with data counts and check for reasonability with regard to 2017-18 reporting ODS Reports Review preliminary counts for 2017-18 Cohort Report Identify students completing a-g requirements, Golden State Merit Seal diploma, Seal of Biliteracy EOY Reporting Preparation

How CALPADS Data Are Used Certified Data Annual Submission State or Federal State/Federal Data Usage LEA Impact if Not Certified EOY-1: Course completion Career Technical Education (CTE) concentrators and completers State DataQuest - Course Completion, Career Technical Education (CTE) 0 counts CTE Incentive Grant 0 counts & 0 funding California School Dashboard – College/Career Indicator Potential Orange Indicator Federal Carl Perkins E-1 Reporting (CTE Participants, Concentrators and Completers) 0 counts & grant eligibility EOY-2: Program participation Homeless an TK enrolled counts DataQuest (Programs and Homeless) Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title 1, Part A Neglected EDEN (Education Data Exchange Network) Reporting Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) EOY-3: Student discipline Cumulative enrollment Chronic absenteeism DataQuest – Suspension and Expulsion DataQuest – Chronic Absenteeism DataQuest – Cumulative Enrollment 0 Counts and impacts suspension and chronic absenteeism rates California School Dashboard – Suspension and Chronic Absenteeism Indicators Potential RED Indicator NCLB Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) NCLB Title IX - At Risk/Persistently Dangerous Schools ESEA Title IV, Part A, Subpart 3, Section 4141 (e) - Firearm Offenses EOY Reporting Preparation

Data in the Fall 2018 Dashboard Indicator Data Source Year of Data Source Chronic Absenteeism CALPADS EOY 3 Chronic Absenteeism, Cumulative Enrollment 2016-17 and 2017-18 Suspension Rate Suspension, Cumulative Enrollment English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI) ELPAC end of year data file No performance indicator in 2018 Will likely report the number of students in each of the ELPAC performance levels based on the 2018 ELPAC Summative Assessment data Graduation Rate Indicator CALPADS ODS Class of 2018 (status) Class of 2017 (to calculate change) (Both based on new rules) Academic Indicator Smarter Balanced Results (3–8) CALPADS Demographics 2018 Smarter Balanced Assessments 2017 Smarter Balanced Assessments College/Career Indicator (CCI) CALPADS EOY 1 (Course, CTE) CALPADS ODS (cohort, a-g indicator, Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, State Seal of Biliteracy) AP, IB Results Smarter Balanced Results (11) Class of 2018, Graduate Cohort (status) Class of 2017, Graduate Cohort (to calculate change) EOY Reporting Preparation

Data Sources in the Fall 2018 Dashboard Indicator Data Collection CALPADS Reports Chronic Absenteeism EOY 3 14.1 -> 14.2 Suspension Rate 7.3 -> 7.5 1.21 -> 8.1 English Learner Progress ELPAC results CALPADS ODS Graduation Rate Four-Year Adjusted Graduate Cohort Report Academic: Grades 3–8 Smarter Balanced Subgroups: CALPADS ODS College/Career (No performance level or color) EOY 1 3.10 -> 3.11 3.14->3.15 Source: California School Dashboard Technical Guide 2017-16 School Year EOY Reporting Preparation

Graduate Completion Codes Description 100 Graduated, standard high school diploma 330 Passed CHSPE (and no standard high school diploma) Graduate counts do not include students who earned a Special Education certificate of completion, Adult Education high school diploma* (rule change), or a high school equivalency certificate (General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET0, and Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC)) * If diploma meets the definition of a regular high school diploma, use code 100 EOY Reporting Preparation

College/Career Indicator Graduates must complete at least one of the measures in the prepared level: Measure Source CTE Pathway Completion ODS - collected after EOY Grade 11 CAASPP in ELA and Math Testing Vendor Advance Placement Exams College Board International Baccalaureate Exams IB Dual Enrollment A-G Completion Cohort Report Proposed for 2018 Dashboard Articulated CTE Courses ODS – collected after EOY State Seal of Biliteracy Golden State Seal Merit Diploma Only measures collected statewide at the individual level are included "AP Computer Science A" and "AP Computer Science Principles" are also Capstone courses for CTE. There is no way to accommodate AP and CTE.  You have to choose one option.  One option is to report the AP course in Fall2 and then change the course code to report Capstone for EOY 1   EOY Reporting Preparation

Staff schedules/availability Notes Last day of school Program participation, attendance data, discipline incidents available When will grades be finalized for course completion Staff schedules/availability Build reporting calendar to ensure reports can be verified in timely manner Coordinate with SELPA on review process When will Certifiers be available Debrief notes Tackle problem areas early EOY Reporting Preparation

Reporting Timelines EOY Snapshots available - May 14 EOY Initial Deadline - July 31 EOY Amendment Window – August 1 – 24 4-Year Cohort Adjustments Deadline mid-September S M T W F May 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 July August SEPTEMBER Elementary – no departmentalized courses Last Day of school 6/7 Site staff last day 6/15 District office staff last day 6/29 All schools and most of the district office closed month of July EOY Reporting Preparation

Reporting Timelines EOY Snapshots available - May 14 EOY Initial Deadline - July 31 EOY Amendment Window – August 1 – 24 4-Year Cohort Adjustments Deadline mid-September S M T W F May 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 July August SEPTEMBER High schools Last Day of school 6/7 Site staff last day 6/15 Family vacation planned for July 22 – Aug 4th Site and district office staff available off and on during July through mid-August EOY Reporting Preparation

CALPADS Update FLASH #135 (Dated 08-Mar-2018) Communications CALPADS Update FLASH #135 (Dated 08-Mar-2018) 4-year graduation cohort process: new process for using CALPADS data for 4-year grad cohort; key process changes. CALPADS Update FLASH #134 (Dated 24-Jan-2018) Updated guidance re: N470 exit code; changes to fields/code definitions; new EOY cert. rule; CTE data & E-2 reporting. CALPADS Update FLASH #133 (Dated 20-Nov-2017) Update to data collected on military families. EOY Reporting Preparation

CALPADS EOY FAQs Resources CALPADS Reporting Calendar CALPADS System Documentation CALPADS Data Guide Appendix C Guidance on the use on Student Exit Reasons and School Completion Status CALPADS EOY FAQs California School Dashboard Technical Guide 2017–18 School Year CSIS Training EOY Reporting Preparation

Questions 31 EOY Reporting Preparation 31