Absolute & Relative Location
Absolute Location -Refers to a place on Earth’s surface using geographic coordinates: Latitude & Longitude -Another example: Home address *Exact coordinates
Using your atlas with your group… ABSOLUTE LOCATION (P. 26) List these places using the coordinates. First group to get them correct wins a prize! 1. 15 degrees SOUTH – 50 degrees WEST 2. 75 degrees NORTH – 35 degrees WEST 3. 20 degrees NORTH – 97 degrees EAST
Relative Location -Refers to a location that is near landmarks -For example, you could give the relative location of St. Louis, Missouri as being in eastern Missouri, along the Mississippi River southwest of Springfield, Illinois
Using your atlas with your group… RELATIVE LOCATION (Pp. 24-27) 1. Name this country northwest of Kenya 2. Name this large body of water west of North and South America 3. Name this large PHYSICAL landform that borders the western edge of South America. It is near Ecuador, Peru, and Chile