Using Portals to Manage Content Patricia Egen Patricia Egen Consulting, LLC
Agenda What is a Portal What kind of Content How to Arrange the Content Tools to build Portals Examples Questions/Answers
What is a Portal To make sure we’re on the same page (or is that portal), this is what a portal means during this presentation A common place to find information A point and click entry place to other places Easy access to data What you want, where you need it, when you need it. According to Webopedia: A Web site or service that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as e-mail, forums, search engines, and on-line shopping malls. The first Web portals were online services, such as AOL, that provided access to the Web, but by now most of the traditional search engines have transformed themselves into Web portals to attract and keep a larger audience.
Portals According to IBM A 2001 presentation by IBM on iSeries says Portal stands for: P = Personalization for the end user Personal or community desktop O = Organization of the user's desktop Consolidated access to data in a layout that suites them R = Resource division determines "Who Sees What" Membership services and layered authentication T = Tracking of activities The more the portal is used, the more it can be tailored A = Access to heterogeneous data stores RDBM, e-mail, news feeders, web servers, various file systems L = Location of important people and things Realtime access to experts, communities, and content
Portals versus Websites Portals do not replace Websites External users still need access to your home page Portals are designed to be access points to specific information and places Portals work well in intranets and extranets
Buzz Word Bingo The following terms are often used when discussing portals eB2B (Business to Business) CRM – Customer Relationship Management Click-stream processing for e-commerce applications Analytical applications Business-intelligence tool Data warehousing Knowledge management.
Portal Content - Intranet Collaboration tools Email, calendaring, instant messaging, online meetings, video conferencing Documentation Manuals, engineering documents, corporate directories Sales and Marketing Product manuals, pricing, inventories, brochures Procedures and Forms
Portal Content - Extranet Collaboration tools FAQ’s and Discussion databases The author of The Clue Train Manifesto claims in his book that people are more inclined to search for discussion groups and lists for information than to dig down through a myriad of pages at an overloaded website Online meetings, video conferencing, instant messaging “Can we help you?” – if yes, than an instant message pops up on a support person’s portal and the customer gets personal service Documentation Product Manuals, engineering documents Sales and Marketing Brochures and Top Sellers
Content Arrangement – Part 1 For an intranet, personalize the content The portal should know who is knocking on the door, validate they have the right password, and then get access to their preferred objects Provide access to personal mail in-baskets, calendars and task lists and to-dos For an extranet, using passwords for your customers and clients you can do similar personalized portals Use registration databases that allow external users to set their passwords and choose their preferences Portals like Yahoo and MSN do this for their customers to generate return traffic. The same thing can happen at your installation for the same reasons.
Content Arrangement – Part 2 Use a consistent format – then change the data in the mini modules Use lots of white space Know your customer – even internal ones If you build it they will come – this really is true in a well thought-out portal. Time is precious; making information access quick is key to improving business interactions You probably already know frequently requested or accessed databases and files. Use these as prime candidates for your Portals
Content Arrangement – Part 3 News feeds, NNTP, are perfect vehicles to generate current events items for a portal. Prime the portal by putting in News Feeds with information or issues key to your industry Use awareness tools such as NetMeeting, SameTime, and instant messaging to find people quickly. Place the links in portlets on your portal
Use portlets on your main portal to group common objects and data Example of a Portal Format Search Calendar A Custom Web page – possibly your Company website Or a News Frame Awareness Quick Links to company apps, intranet pages Tasks/To-Do’s Use portlets on your main portal to group common objects and data
The Portal Place
Building Portals –Servers & Tools Lotus Domino and Notes Websphere Portal Builder Microsoft Sharepoint BroadVision Epicentric Foundation Center iPlanet Server Oracle Plumtree Studio Server Tibco BEA DataChannel Rio Viador E-Portal Suite XML JAVA DHTML Cascading portals Portlets Security modules
Domino-based Portals – Part 1 The Lotus Domino family has a wide range of products that can help you build a secure, personalized portal Domino Server Web serving Notes databases Procedures, Documentation, Discussion Groups Email, Calendars, Tasks, Directories Secure access using password, digital signatures, encryption, SSL and X.509 authentication Access to DB2 on the AS400 adds your AS400 applications to the portal Build your portal using Domino Designer and HTML.
Domino-based Portals – Part 2 iNotes Looks just like the Notes client but is accessed via the web Java servlets that are accessible using URL’s embedded in HTML applications. Each component can be individually accessed SameTime Awareness and instant messaging SameTime can be invoked via a URL from your Portal See who is online and available for a meeting QuickPlace Meeting and teamrooms that can be invoked via a URL allow you to have personalized rooms for your intranet and extranets Websphere integration Domino provides collaboration to the Websphere Portal Server
A Few Examples Here’s a demo of some Portal Examples built using Domino and Notes