In part from 11/15/17 PM&R Faculty Meeting Effort Reporting FY18 changes In part from 11/15/17 PM&R Faculty Meeting
Overview: All faculty and staff across the Medical School must certify 100% of their effort annually. The certified faculty effort is used to ensure: Compliance with Federal Guidelines - All faculty must certify their effort to comply with the OMB A-21, which states that any individual that accepts federal dollars has an accurate and certified record of their effort each year. Appropriate Medicare Reimbursement – The health system’s Medicare reimbursement is based in part on reported effort. Accurate Measurement of Faculty and Department Performance – Faculty effort will be used to understand how faculty are spending their time across the different parts of the mission.
Clarity of faculty effort will allow us to better meet the goals for effort reporting. Medical School has identified 3 effort categories that need to be further defined. Academic Instruction Clinical Instruction Administration
Academic Instruction We will be phasing out the current effort classifications and shortcodes Three new categories have been defined Non-Clinical Medical Student Academic Instruction(11030) Non-Clinical GME Academic Instruction(11010) Non-Clinical Other Academic Instruction(11000)
Clinical Instruction We will be phasing out the current effort classifications and shortcodes Three new categories have been defined Clinical Medical Student Academic Instruction(11020) Clinical GME Academic Instruction(31102) Clinical Other Academic Instruction(31101)
Administration We will be phasing out the current effort classifications and shortcodes These new categories have been defined Specific roles 5% or greater(31103,11100,11110) Michigan Medicine Citizenship/Service(11130) Non-Michigan Medicine Citizenship/Service(31100)
Roll Out Goal is to have effort changes completed by 1/1/18 Successfully piloted process on 6 new hire faculty. Chair sent an introductory email to faculty I then followed up with individual emails to the faculty(Chair CC) Discussions took place in person and over phone/email Chair was included in conversations as needed and reviewed final changes Matt will be sending out current effort distributions to all with a request to further define instruction and administrative activities. Email will also include guidance on how best to define Clinical Instruction in different clinical settings. Faculty will need to define their efforts. Matt can help with calculations. Effort changes will be completed and Dr. Hurvitz will review effort and expectations as part of the annual performance evaluation.
Chair Guidance on Clinical Teaching Effort A certain percentage of your clinical time includes interactions with trainees such as residents, fellows, post-docs, medical students, other trainees. This is not lecture time or time spent doing oral boards or procedural training. It is having people in your clinic or on rounds. It is a fair estimate to say that about half the time you spend with a resident is teaching and half is clinical—unless you are doing a continuity clinic, in which it is more like 2/3 clinical, 1/3 teaching. About how much of your clinical effort is clinical teaching time, and who is it with? Medical students Resident or GME accredited fellow Other or non-accredited fellow Examples: Do you have a resident in your clinic on Tuesday AM every week? = 5% Resident in my clinic once in a while—what fraction of the time? about: Half time? = 3% Quarter of the time, about three months a year? = 1 % On the IRF? Clinical expectation is 60% with ½ clinical and ½ teaching. That would be 2.5% teaching for each month on service(60%/2/12)
Worksheet Example Sent to Faculty