Defend or Refute this statement Topic: Evaluate Industrialization and Urbanization in late 19th Century America Do Now: “Historians and social commentators that criticize industrialization and urbanization are simply nostalgic, romanticizing a pre-industrial past. Defend or Refute this statement
Impact of Industrialization Connecting the nation Growth of cities Emergence of full Industrial Capitalism Exploitation of natural resources Immigration “New South” Comparatively high standard of living Laissez Faire or “Trust busting”? Time regimentation (Fredrick Taylor) Women workers Labor Unions grow
The Lure of the City 1860-1900: Cities more numerous, larger in size “Skyscrapers” Industrial jobs Sister Carrie (Dreiser) Department stores Sanitation and waste Crime, disease Tenements
The New Immigrants 1880s: Southern & Eastern Europeans ; Asia Push/Pull factors “Melting Pot”- Assimilation Exploiting immigrants Jane Addams and Hull House (Chicago) Nativism Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) American Protective Association Labor Unions and immigration
Intellectual Reactions Education as opportunity for social mobility (John Dewey) Growth of colleges (Morrill Act of 1862, Hatch Act 1887) Secularized colleges William James and Pragmatism (truth, testing, and problem solving) Henry George Progress and Poverty (1879) “Social Gospel”- churches help poor (Christian Socialism) Mark Twain Comstock Laws (1873) Temperance Movement (Carrie Nation- WCTU)
African Americans and Age of Industry Africans as sharecroppers, menial factory work 44% illiterate by 1900 Booker T. Washington Tuskegee Institute Practical education Self-help and slow improvement Economic equality political equality The “Atlanta Compromise” W.E.B. DuBois Demanded immediate equality NAACP “talented tenth”
3…2…1… 3. Things about urbanization (good or bad) 2. intellectual reactions to urbanization 1. Re-examine your previous thoughts on Do Now quote… do you still hold to it?