Internet Security What you can do to protect your family
Surfing the WEB What is surfing the WEB ? What is surfing the WEB ? To move from place to place on the Internet searching for topics of interest. To move from place to place on the Internet searching for topics of interest. How is surfing dangerous ? How is surfing dangerous ? The Internet is a dangerous place, full of profiteers who sell your personal data to information brokers and cunning criminals who have nothing better to do than steal your Social Security number, obtain credit cards in your name, go on spending sprees, and ruin your credit rating. So whether you're shopping at or chatting with your buddies over blogs, you'll need to take certain precautions to keep your personal info from falling into the wrong hands. The Internet is a dangerous place, full of profiteers who sell your personal data to information brokers and cunning criminals who have nothing better to do than steal your Social Security number, obtain credit cards in your name, go on spending sprees, and ruin your credit rating. So whether you're shopping at or chatting with your buddies over blogs, you'll need to take certain precautions to keep your personal info from falling into the wrong hands.
Information theft How is information stolen form my computer? How is information stolen form my computer? Information about all the sites that you visit is stored on your computer. Every image that you have ever viewed, sent or received over the Internet is stored on your hard drive. Be it personal pictures or confidential business charts, these can be accessed by any snooper. Information about all the sites that you visit is stored on your computer. Every image that you have ever viewed, sent or received over the Internet is stored on your hard drive. Be it personal pictures or confidential business charts, these can be accessed by any snooper.
Information theft There is a record of every program that you have ever downloaded or used on your hard drive. What you use on your computer should be your business and nobody else's. There is a record of every program that you have ever downloaded or used on your hard drive. What you use on your computer should be your business and nobody else's. The windows "delete" button and the "empty recycle bin" option does NOT completely delete your files. With the right tools, anyone can recover removed files. The windows "delete" button and the "empty recycle bin" option does NOT completely delete your files. With the right tools, anyone can recover removed files. If you share any files on your computer with no restrictions you are literally sharing it with the whole world. If you share any files on your computer with no restrictions you are literally sharing it with the whole world.
Protecting your Computer How do I protect my computer How do I protect my computer Make sure that you routinely delete Internet Temp Files, History or Cookies from your browser software. Make sure that you routinely delete Internet Temp Files, History or Cookies from your browser software. Make sure you have up to date firewall and antivirus software on every computer you work on. Make sure you have up to date firewall and antivirus software on every computer you work on. Turn off or limit any file sharing on your systems. Turn off or limit any file sharing on your systems. Never work as an administrator (Windows) or root (Unix) user online. Never work as an administrator (Windows) or root (Unix) user online. Make sure that your internet browser security is set at medium high or greater. Make sure that your internet browser security is set at medium high or greater. Password protect all accounts on all systems. Password protect all accounts on all systems.
Protecting Children On the Internet How do I protect my child on the internet? How do I protect my child on the internet? The internet is not a play ground for children. Although your child may be sitting in the safety of your home he or she can be in great danger if left unsupervised online. The internet is not a play ground for children. Although your child may be sitting in the safety of your home he or she can be in great danger if left unsupervised online. Never discount the intelligence of online predators. Never discount the intelligence of online predators.
Protecting Children On the Internet How do I protect my child online ? How do I protect my child online ? Make sure that you child has a limited user account on your computer Make sure that you child has a limited user account on your computer Make sure that the computer your child is allowed to use is in a public location in your home like the kitchen or family room so you can easily monitor all web activity. Make sure that the computer your child is allowed to use is in a public location in your home like the kitchen or family room so you can easily monitor all web activity. Enable the internet rating within the internet options tab of your browser to eliminate certain web sites that have questionable key words or subject matters. Enable the internet rating within the internet options tab of your browser to eliminate certain web sites that have questionable key words or subject matters.
Protecting Children On the Internet Is downloading music file dangerous for my child ? Is downloading music file dangerous for my child ? Anytime you download anything from the web you expose yourself. Anytime you download anything from the web you expose yourself. Sites like Utube that allow the public to upload information and music should be monitored closely. Anyone could plant a virus in of music file. Sites like Utube that allow the public to upload information and music should be monitored closely. Anyone could plant a virus in of music file.
The key to internet safety is education How do I educate myself about internet safety ? How do I educate myself about internet safety ? Below are some websites that will start you on your internet safety path. Below are some websites that will start you on your internet safety path. Cybercop Guide: Education World: Pinoy Tech Blog: teach-our-children-on-internet-safety teach-our-children-on-internet-safety
In Conclusion The internet can be a wonderful experience for you and your child. It is a well known fact that children with a computer in the home perform better in school. The world is computer driven and to not expose your child to computers and the internet is doing your child a disservice. With the proper supervision and education you and your child should have a wonderful time on the internet.