Chapter 22.1 - Day 1 Freedom Now! Civil Rights demonstrators used nonviolence to achieve their goals. Was this the right choice? What other alternatives did they have?
Nonviolence in Action 1957 After success of Montgomery Bus Boycott Civil Rights leaders met in Atlanta, GA to discuss future strategy. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Developed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) Alliance of church-based African American groups dedicated to ending discrimination But how?
Nonviolent Resistance SCLC pledged to use nonviolent resistance Required that protestors not resort to violence Even when others attacked them! What group of people would be crazy enough to do this??
Students Lead Protest 1958 African American protesters in Oklahoma and Kansas conducted protests at segregated lunch counters. Called sit-ins Protest by sitting down in a location and refusing to leave.
April 1950 Over 50,000 students were protesting!
Sit-Ins in Action
Sit Ins in Action
Student Protesters Organize Student leaders founded the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Association of student activists from throughout the South. Both black and white!
The Protest Spreads! Success of student sit-ins inspired the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Northern based civil rights group wanting to show how Northerners supported Civil Rights!
CORE plans Freedom Rides Summer of 1960 Northern Civil Rights activists planned bus trips through South to spread word of racial equality! Called Freedom Rides What could possibly go wrong?
Anniston, Alabama Just across the Alabama state line
Freedom Riders not allowed medical care!
Freedom Rides Roll On To Birmingham, Alabama
Freedom Riders Arrested!
JFK frees the Freedom Riders! Sends in federal marshals!