Elizabethan Age 1558-1603
Elizabethan Age Named after Queen Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen. Music, poetry, and literature flourished Different social classes- Upper Class, Nobility, and everyone else. It was a brief period of largely internal peace Considered the Golden Age of England
Negative Aspects of London Beer was cheap, so people drank a lot to escape their problems Disease- bubonic plague, small pox, tuberculosis Lack of personal hygiene Pollution- sewage in the streets/river, mass graves Lack of medical knowledge
Education Taught basic manners/etiquette at home Boys attended grammar school Girls could only go to petty school (ages 5-7) Wealthy families could educate girls at home
Clothing Elizabethan Sumptuary Laws: laws that said who could wear what People had to dress their social class Breaking the rules resulted in fines, loss of property, or death
Entertainment/Leisure Theater- cheap entertainment Music- very expressive of mood/emotional Team/individual sports Animal blood sports and hunting
Culinary Food supplies were plentiful Food varied by status and wealth Expanded use of sugar Cultivation of fruit trees and bee hives Presentation important for nobility Food often cooked over open flame
Crime and Punishment Punishment would vary according to class Torture was used to get confessions Just an accusation could get you tortured Most common crimes: theft, begging, poaching, adultery, debtors, forgers, fraud Executions were common
Architecture Greek and Roman architecture was admired Lots of stone and brick was used No more castles- instead mansions of luxury and comfort