Theater in Elizabethan London Madison Palmer, John Rodriguez, Fernando Lopez, and Karon Teat
What place did theater have in day to day life of an Elizabethan? Was a form of communication Elizabethans gathered to watch plays and performances Helped develop political, religious, myth, and ritual actions and beliefs Theater popularity grew because of travelling actors
What place did theater have in day to day life of an Elizabethan? Majority of Elizabethans from 1660-1700 were interested in plays People attended plays whenever they could Whenever there was a new play, people rushed to the new play and left the others empty People felt they could relate to the plays The theater showed that the country was stable
What was it like to go to the theater in Elizabethan London What was it like to go to the theater in Elizabethan London? How did it compare to going today? In today's theater there's a cast crew, female actors and theaters with roofs, but in the Elizabethan London theater there was none of this things. This is a vast different to today as we have all this things.
What was it like to go to the theater in Elizabethan London What was it like to go to the theater in Elizabethan London? How did it compare to going today? In the Elizabethan London theater there was different rules and regulations than in today's theater. For example people would talk through the play even while their were people acting. Also, the audience would sit around the stage instead of infront.
What was a day in the life of theater actor? Actors didn’t have an easy life and was most of the time were busy doing work and preparing. Actors had expectation like being able to sword fight, sing, dance, and have a good memory for learning lines. They were doing several plays throughout the day.
What was a day in the life of theater actor? Cont. If they had time in the morning then they would usually rehearse. Most plays happen during the afternoon because they depend on the sunlight to be seen. Most actors were wealthy men and there was not that much women actors. Actors had a bad reputation before this time period. They were not trusted and were treated with suspicion. The popularity grew enormously during this time.
What plays, theaters, and playwrights were prominent around this time and why? Plays/Playwrights: -People of the time enjoyed tragedies and comedies Shakespeare(Hamlet, Othello, King, Lear, Macbeth) Christopher Marlow Theatres: Globe Theatre(this theatre was associated with Shakespeare) Red Lion(this was the most successful playhouse of the time)
Elizabethan London Video
Sources: Solomon, Ejeke. “IMPACT OF ELIZABETHAN STAGECRAFT.”, "History of Elizabethan Theater and Significance to the Society." LinkedIn SlideShare. N.p., 16 Apr. 2010. Web. 06 Apr. 2018. <>. Unknown, ”Actors”, 2014, Unknown, “Elizabethan Actors”, 2017,