Sir Francis Walsingham I am Queen Elizabeth I I am William Cecil (Lord Burghley) I am Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester) I am Sir Francis Walsingham
Lord Howard of Effingham I am Lord Howard of Effingham (Earl of Nottingham) I am Queen Mary I I am Pope Pius V I am Mary Queen of Scots
I am… David Rizzio I am Henry, Lord Darnley I am the Earl of Bothwell I am King Philip II of Spain
Duke of Medina-Sidonia Earl of Northumberland I am the Duke of Medina-Sidonia I am the Earl of Northumberland I am the Earl of Westmorland I am the Duke of Norfolk
Sir Francis Throckmorton I am Roberto Ridolfi I am Sir Francis Throckmorton I am Anthony Babington I am John Hawkins
I am Francis Drake I am Sir Walter Raleigh I am the Privy Council I am a Justice of the Peace
I am a Judge I am a Constable I am a Lord Lieutenant I am an Archbishop
I am Richard Burbage I am Christopher Marlowe I am a Beggar / Vagabond I am the Duke of Parma