Liability for Car Accidents Caused by Poor Road Conditions
Poor road conditions such as potholes, faulty design, missing guardrails, erosion and other defects can cause a serious car accident. Proving fault in a car accident because of a road defect can be complicated.
Generally, cities, counties and states are responsible for maintaining the roads. Before making a claim, it is important to find out which agency was responsible for maintaining the road.
Proving Negligence The victim must prove that the agency was negligent in its duty to maintain a safe road. He or she must show that the agency could have or should have repaired the road but chose not to do so. He or she must prove that the agency built the road in a dangerously defective manner.
Suing a Governmental Agency Most state and federal governments have immunity from lawsuits. However, if the agency was negligent in maintaining a roadway, the victim can make a claim. Another regulation that limits a government agency from being sued is the “statute of limitations.” If a victim fails to file a claim before a designated deadline, the court will not allow the victim to file at a later date.
If you have been injured in a car accident because of poor road conditions, contact our car accident attorneys today. We will fight to help you recover compensation for your injuries and damages.
Contact Us The Reinken Law Firm Stamford: 203-541-0090 Danbury: 203-491-4404 Bridgeport: 203-418-7037 Greenwich: 203-489-2825