Program Evaluation Committee Meeting October 14, 2014
PEC 10/14 Neurology rotation for internal medicine residents Psychiatry intern role QI selective Recruitment Neurology rotation for inpatient medicine residents a. 40-50 rotators a year, 1-2 residents in 2 week blocks most of the year, perhaps missing around holidays and June-July. b. Half day continuity clinic per week. Each resident has their own half day. (Never Thursday afternoons.) They will get us the schedule in advance. No other call or responsibilities. c. xpressed interest in VA, and Michael Wang said they might be able to accommodate 1 person for 1 day of clinic per week. d. Could start as soon as January 1 e. Our team would then be 2 neuro residents, 1-2 IM, 0-1 neurosurgery, 3-4 students. That means up to 9 people on a team available to be first responder to a consult. II. Psychiatry intern role Psychiatry chiefs emailed our chiefs asking if their interns could spend more time seeing consults at the U. This month, we had a psych intern on consults. What did we think of that? Could we accommodate another intern on the consult team? III. QI selective starting 2015 Effort to bring more QI experience to our residents b. Curriculum - Reading list – 10 articles or chapters of importance - If available, take a 2 day LEAN course – built in curriculum and structure - Project - Present result of project in some time of form, including QA or neuroscience day - Weekly Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC) meetings - Assessment – built in (Jacobs and Adelman) c. Give them a menu of choices - NICU or Stroke related, because they are gathering the date. - If they bring a viable achievable project on day 1, it could be considered IV. Recruitment First day October 22, then 3 Wednesdays in November, 3 in December, 1 in January Good resident turn out at dinners is important Questions not to ask questions about children (or interest in having children), sexual preference, religion, political leanings or anything else that might be viewed as discriminatory unless the candidate brings it up first.