INTERPRETATIONS DRAWN Occupation Climate and Vegetation General Slope Relief
Occupations in 45 D/7 and 45 D/10 Agriculture Cattle Rearing Construction Public Services Trade Tourism Education Lumbering
AGRICULTURE True for all parts of 45 D/7 and 45 D/10 except Abu Evidences Yellow Colour (indicating cultivated land)
CATTLE REARING True for all parts of 45 D/7 and 45 D/10 except Abu Supplementary with Agriculture Provides monthly income Evidences Yellow Colour (indicating cultivated land) Tanks with embankments Cart Tracks
CONSTRUCTION Evidences Lime Kiln Brick Kiln Stone Quarry Metalled Road under construction Canal under construction
PUBLIC SERVICES True of larger villages and the town of Abu Evidences Post Office Police Station Dak Bungalow Inspection Bungalow Dispensary, etc.
TRADE True for larger settlements Evidences Nucleated and radial settlement pattern
TOURISM True for the town of Abu Evidences Hill Station Nakki Talao Delwara Temple Sun Set Point Anadra Point Palanpur Palace Jai Vilas Palace
EDUCATION True for the town of Abu Evidences St. Mary’s High School Sophia High School
LUMBERING True for small dispersed settlements Evidences Settlement near of within forest
CLIMATE IN 45 D/7 AND 45 D/10 Tropical Monsoon type of climate SEASON MONTHS CHARACTERISTICS SUMMER March to May Hot and Dry (45 °C) RAINY SEASON June to September Scanty Rainfall (50 cm) WINTER December to February Cool and Dry (0 °C)
Evidences of Seasonal Rainfall Dry (seasonal) streams Dry Tanks Broken Ground Open scrub Wells
POSSIBLE VEGETATION Tropical Deciduous Trees Desert Vegetation Neem Banyan Peepal Desert Vegetation Acacia (Babool) Cactus Date Palms
MEANING OF GENERAL SLOPE Direction towards which the terrain is inclined Can be determined by finding the direction in which the river system flows
FINDING DIRECTION OF RIVER FLOW Arrow in the river bed Direction in which water will flow Angle at which tributaries meet Tributaries follow the main river Tributaries meet at an acute angle Direction in which river widens
WHAT ARE RELIEF FEATURES? Major Mountains Hills Ridges Rivers Plains Minor Broken Ground Sand Dunes Rock Outcrops
DESCRIBING THE RELIEF Type of relief Nature of mountains / hills Nature of rivers Location of minor physical features
TYPES OF RELIEF High relief Low Relief Hilly terrain Range of heights Flat plain Lower heights in a small range
NATURE OF HILLS / MOUNTAINS Location Area occupied Average height Highest and lowest point Alignment / Trend of hill ranges
NATURE OF RIVERS Direction of flow Presence of sediment Width Presence of water Flowing through broken ground Tributary or main river