Good afterlunch! Please get out your Major Themes sheet and be prepared for a First Four activity – 10/26/17 – “Toward Emancipation” Using any of your own notes, briefly answer TWO of the following questions from the homework reading…
GQ#2 – What were the immediate impacts of the war? Emancipation From the excerpt Toward Emancipation… How did the cause of the Union change between 1861 & 1863? What pressures led to this change? Identify several. Who were “contraband”? What do you think was “compensated emancipation”? Why did Lincoln propose it? What did Lincoln offer to the states of the South in the Emancipation Proclamation?
Review: GQ#1 & GQ#2 Strategies, tactics, leadership, civil liberties Briefly research your assigned topic. Resources: Grey Book, AMSCO, your phone, class website – Be sure to use your technology appropriately. Be prepared to share with the class 7 Battles: What happened? Why was this battle significant? Civil Liberties in South Specific actions or laws? Compare to North? Draft in North & South Requirements, exceptions, problems/issues?
Mobilizing for War - CSA 800,000 served Conscription Act 1862 Substitutes, 20-Negro Law Military Supplies Tredegar Iron Works, Augusta Powder Works Food & Clothing Transportation Impressment Act 1863
Mobilizing for War - Union 2 million + served Food & Supplies no problem Business organization & transportation a huge advantage! Enrollment Act 1863 Substitution Commutation - $300
Financing the War Huge Money Needs Confederate property tax & Script Union Income Tax War Bonds Legal Tender Act Greenbacks, Inflation Size & Power of Government?
First significant battle where the Union could claim victory. Antietam
This Union general burned the city of Atlanta and then led the famous “March to the Sea.” William T. Sherman
Biggest battle of the war. Also the turning point battle. Gettysburg
The Civil War started here on April 12, 1861 Ft. Sumter – Charleston, SC
This battle gave the Union control of the Mississippi River. Vicksburg
The Union “victory” here allowed Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation Antietam
Ulysses S. Grant William T. Sherman These two Union generals are credited with the innovation of “Total War.” Ulysses S. Grant William T. Sherman
Leader of the Confederate Army Leader of the Confederate Army. Lincoln originally offered him leadership of the Union Army, but he joined the Confederacy after Virginia seceded Robert E. Lee
Tennessee, Virginia, and North Carolina seceded after this battle. Ft. Sumter
Where did Lee surrender to Grant effectively ending the Civil War? Appomattox Court House
Today’s Agenda How do we resolve conflict? Socratic Seminar Prep GQ2 – How great were the immediate impacts of the Civil War? How did the Emancipation Proclamation impact the war? Socratic Seminar Prep Pre-Seminar Task Documents, Questions, Discussion
How did emancipation impact the war? Read Docs What is the main idea of each? What controversial issues are raised in each? How does each contribute to emancipation? What are questions that each document raises for you? How is the process of emancipation evolving as the war progresses?
How does this work today? Silent reading (12 min) Group discussion & clarification (8 min) Class questions, discussion, and clarification. (???) As many rounds as possible. Final Four Exit Ticket
Final Four Find a yellow sticky note. What have you learned about Lincoln so far? How is Lincoln attempting to resolve conflict? What questions do you have about these documents? Post on the white board before you leave.
Good afterlunch! Please get out your First Four work and be ready for an OMCL exercise. You’ll also need your 3 Document Packs and your Major Themes sheet.
End 4 Minutes First Four 10/30/17 “OMCL” Identify the origin, message, connections, and limitations of the following text: “That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” 4 Minutes To change the timings of this timer, you need to enter the animation settings, and change the timings for the Isosceles Triangles. There will be 2 that need changing (to the same amount) – one animates the top triangle emptying, whilst the other animates the bottom triangle filling. When you change the timings these have to entered as a number of seconds. End
Today’s Agenda How do we resolve conflict? Socratic Seminar Prep GQ2 – How great were the immediate impacts of the Civil War? How did the Emancipation Proclamation impact the war? Socratic Seminar Prep Pre-Seminar Task Documents, Questions, Discussion
Emancipation Proclamation GQ2 – Impacts of the Civil War How did the Emancipation Proclamation impact the war? What was it? What did it do? What did it not do? What does it show us about Lincoln?
How did emancipation impact the war? Read Docs What is the main idea of each? What controversial issues are raised in each? How does each contribute to emancipation? What are questions that each document raises for you? How is the process of emancipation evolving as the war progresses? See Seminar Guiding Questions!!!
How does this work today? Option 1 – On your own Independent Reading & Prep Option 2 – Group Discussion Read your assigned document with your group (10 minutes quiet reading). Discuss your document with your group & answer questions for your doc (10 min). Jigsaw Groups to Share
Major Themes & Vocab Check Major Themes Sheet Vocab Collaborative Assignments 4AVocab 3AVocab 2AVocab
Find a yellow sticky note. Final Four GQ2 – Impacts of the Civil War How did the Emancipation Proclamation impact the war? Find a yellow sticky note. Which document is the most interesting to you? Explain why. Which document is the most challenging for you? Explain why. Post on the white board before you leave.