New Administrator’s Retreat, 2017 Being a Fiscal Agent New Administrator’s Retreat, 2017
The Buck Stops Here Know your resources Make sure that decisions are made with thought in advance Supervise your lead staff person
Colors of Money “Permanent” GR budget Temporary GR funds Foundation funds Agency funds
GR Budget Salaries are the biggest part Money can be transferred, either temporarily or permanently.
Temporary GR Instructional Cost Summer Salary Allocation Tech Tuition ERIP – Enrollment Rebound Incentive Program FCR – Full Cost Recovery
Foundation Endowed vs. fully expendable vs. “savings” Spending restrictions Note that the expendable money is there to be spent
Agency Research accounts Various other
Follow the Money Keep shadow books! Datatel doesn’t have everything Budget Wizard is slow to update Mistakes do get made
Things to Know Conference registration is not “Travel,” but “Contractual” Agreements get taken out of the fiscal year they cover Strategic Budget Carryover Getting temp money can happen with justification – make the case