Youth Ergonomics and Physical Development 8.5.2018 Eero Turunen Physical Therapist, OMPT CrossFit L2 Trainer Crossfit Mobility Trainer CrossFit Football Trainer CrossFit Kids Trainer
Youth Ergonomics Text neck Children and adolescents spent averages of 5 and 7 hours a day with their heads tilted over reading and texting on their smartphones and handheld devices. 1825 and 2555 hours a year of excess stresses seen in the cervical spine area. ET 13.11.2014
Surg Neurol Int. 2017; 8: 72. 15.11.2018
What are the symptoms associated with text neck? Text neck most commonly causes neck pain and soreness. In addition, looking down at your cell phone too much each day can lead to: Upper back pain and upper back muscle spasms. Shoulder pain and tightness, painful shoulder muscle spasm. If a cervical nerve becomes pinched, pain and possibly neurological symptoms can radiate down your arm and into your hand ET 4.5.2011
How is text neck treated? Prevention is key. Hold your cell phone at eye level as much as possible. Take frequent breaks. 15.11.2018
Exercise is important. Strong core muscles—the abdominal and lower back muscles—to support your upper body, including your neck. Your core muscles usually do not get enough exercise during normal daily activities, so you need to do specific exercises to target these muscles. Strong and flexible muscles of the neck, shoulders and upper back to minimize strain on your cervical spine and help support the weight of your head. 15.11.2018
Good sitting posture/chair Standing desks Take breaks Sitting is new smoking An hour of activity can offset the harms that sitting for 8 hours can have Good sitting posture/chair Standing desks Take breaks 15.11.2018
university of manitoba ergonomics for school children 15.11.2018
Eero Turunen 0405382285 Thank You! Eero Turunen 0405382285