Severe Asthma
This program will include a discussion of investigational agents not approved by the FDA for use in the US.
Severe Asthma: Overview
How Is Severe Asthma Defined? ERS/ATS Guidelines
How Is Uncontrolled Asthma Defined? ERS/ATS Guidelines
How Is Severe Asthma Defined? GINA Guidelines
Evolution of Asthma Classification
T2-Mediated Inflammation
Non-T2-Mediated Inflammation
Asthma Phenotypes
Severe Asthma Phenotyping
Proposed Asthma Phenotypes
Asthma Endotypes
Selected Asthma Endotypes
Potential Application of Asthma Biomarkers
Ideal Biomarker Characteristics
Severe Asthma Biomarkers
Biologics for Severe Asthma
Blocking the IgE Allergic Cascade
Anti-IL-5 Therapy in Eosinophilic Asthma
Mepolizumab Phase 3 Study Results
Reslizumab Phase 3 Study Results
Benralizumab Phase 3 Study Results
Anti-IL-4/IL-13 Therapy
Inhibiting IL-13 in Severe Asthma
Dupilumab Phase 2b Study
Dupilumab Phase 3 Study
Moving Toward Precision Medicine in Severe Asthma
Abbreviations (cont)