Climate / Terrain Ethiopia is a landlocked country High central plateau The Great Rift Valley splits the plateau diagonally The western highlands get summer rainfall; the low lowlands and eastern highlands are hot and dry Climate: Tropical monsoon with wide topographic-induced variation
Government / Economy Government: Federal Republic Head of State: President Main exports: Industry & Agriculture Natural resources: gold, platinum, copper, natural gas Currency: Ethiopian Birr 1 USD = 21.44 EB
Demography / Culture Population: 77,431,000 Capital: Addis Ababa Language: Amharic, Tigrinya, Orominga Religion: Muslim, Ethiopian Orthodox Life expectancy: 42 Ethiopians have one of the lowest life expectancies in the world. Literacy rate: 43%
Brief History In 1889, Menelik II is crowned emperor Menelik II established independence by defeating an Italian invasion in 1896 In 1941, British troops forced the Italians to evacuate They declared their independence in 1995
Tourism Blue Nile Falls Simien Mountains
Interesting Facts Ethiopia is the only country in the world to have 13 months in a calendar year Celebrate New Year in September Ethiopian children must learn their tribal language and the country’s official language (Amharic) Thirteen percent of Ethiopian children are missing one or both parents. Nearly a quarter of their parents have been lost in the AIDS epidemic