Unit 1 Fundamentals of Science 1.3 Energy For all Converting GPE to KE Unit 1 Fundamentals of Science 1.3 Energy For all
Converting GPE to KE P6 Describe different types of energy transfer M3 carry out a practical demonstration of a range of energy interconversions with appropriate explanations of the systems investigated D3 Evaluate the efficiencies of energy conversion systems Keywords – Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy
Mass (kg) x acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) x height (m) Calculating GPE and KE Gravitational Potential Energy GPE=mgh Mass (kg) x acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) x height (m) Kinetic Energy KE = ½ mv2 ½ x mass x velocity2 P6 Describe different types of energy transfer P7 Carry out a practical investigation into the calorific value of different fuels M3 carry out a practical demonstration of a range of energy interconversions with appropriate explanations of the systems investigated D3 Evaluate the efficiencies of energy conversion systems Keywords – Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy
Lab report Keywords – Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy Abstract Introduction Variables Equipment Method Risk Assessment Table of Results Graph Discussion/analysis Conclusion P6 Describe different types of energy transfer P7 Carry out a practical investigation into the calorific value of different fuels M3 carry out a practical demonstration of a range of energy interconversions with appropriate explanations of the systems investigated D3 Evaluate the efficiencies of energy conversion systems Keywords – Gravitational Potential Energy, Kinetic Energy