Project Update - Accomplishments March 28, 2018 GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Facilities Management Division PROOF-NM Project (Process Re-engineering & Optimization of Operations & Maintenance Functions ) (Formally CAMPS-NM Phase II Project) Project Update - Accomplishments March 28, 2018
FMD MISSION & Performance Measures “To ensure that the citizens of New Mexico and state agencies receive the best value in design, construction and management of state-owned and leased facilities. To provide clean, safe, energy-efficient work environments for our employees and customers and to support the sustainability, energy efficiency, and capital improvement of state facilities.” Performance Measure : Maximize percent of work orders completed on time Reduced cost of maintaining state facilities Enhance Work Order backlog management Improve inventory management (i.e., supplies, materials) Visibility into total cost of maintenance
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Objectives Deployment of the AiM Operations &Maintenance (O&M) modules supports GSD, FMD and customer State Agency objectives: Link work history to a serialized asset Provide complete & current view of Warehouse Inventory & Cost Provide electronic work dispatch & submittal of work performed Standardize Internal Purchase Request (IPR) process across FMD Define data standards and processes in support of location identification Define methodology for location data collection AiM O&M is being used across FMD to improve customer service through improved work planning and scheduling, application of best practice warehouse management, and deployment of mobile devices.
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Accomplishments KPI’s – Designed 7 Key Performance Indicator Reports Typically follow implementation Designed during PROOF-NM, and developed reports that were highest FMD priority Provides ability to measure what was previously unmeasurable Maintenance Cost per Square Foot and PM Schedule Compliance in production Purchasing – automation of the IPR process; Replaces paper process Reconciles with SHARE as processed Real Time status view Inventory – enabled cost allocation to individual work order/asset/building Cost Tracking stopped at Warehouse prior to PROOF-NM Precise value of warehouse is available today Material costs are tracked to the Work Order, Building and Asset Due to lack of history, measurement of change isn’t quantifiable Ability to track Inventory turns FiRE for O&M – enabled electronic dispatch and reporting Voice dictation using native iPad technology Ability to take before and after photos and transmit to Work Control Center (WCC) and Maintenance managers
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project Accomplishments Customer Request – Implemented problem codes; Risk Management/Safety Tracking Work Management – 5.5% increase in Work Orders completed on time in Q1; additional 3% increase in Q2 Improved management review prior to committing resources Costs are tied to the building and work order Custodial costs tracked to the building and compared on a per square foot basis Asset Management – added categories for better tool and IT equipment tracking Expanded SHARE Paid Invoices and Payment Application Queries and scheduled extract and upload to include O&M 27 Standard Operating Procedures developed, approved and implemented Project Scope completed on Schedule and within Budget
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project IV&V RESPEC IV&V recommendations were implemented All RESPEC IV&V Status Reports indicated GREEN for the following reported areas: Requirements Analysis & Management State Oversight Configuration Management March 9, 2018 Bi-Monthly Status Risk and Change Report, the IV&V analyst commented – “The PROOF-NM Project continues to make good progress overall and is following a best practices structure for project planning, project execution, monitoring and control activities, as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI)” Closeout Report expected no later than March 30, 2018
PROOF-NM (Phase II & II-B) Project & Operations Next Steps Closeout contracts and financials for PROOF-NM Location data collection for South and Central Campuses Develop, test and implement six (6) remaining KPI reports that were identified as lower priority by FMD Management