Essential Employability Skills communications, personal, interpersonal, thinking, mathematics, and computer applications skills
Learning Skills… Application Repetition
Top Down Perspective What we see is determined largely by what we look for … Unpacking our curricula Can’t assume knowledge of EE skills
Traditional View
Generic/Employability Skills are transferable skills that provide the foundation for a student’s academic, vocational, and personal success
The EES Workbook Pre-determined In-Class Activities Charting Skills Development Painless Assessment Hidden Attendance
Possible Learning Activities free writing brainstorming mind-mapping journal entries reading responses questions formulation conversation prompts/responses rough drafts vocabulary lists + definitions workplace scenarios assignment outlines thesis statements research assignments teamwork exercises structured note taking peer assessment role playing problem solving summaries online resources critique description of a process
Assessment A Sample Marking Template Format: Format includes awareness of correct format for the context of the assignment. Content: Content (as required by the assignment) includes clear thesis or focus, adequate development, good use of details and examples, correct use of illustrations. Organization: Organization means ideas are presented in logical order in individual sections and in the overall piece of writing. Style: Style includes word choice and tone. :
Other Benefits Allows for a “dress rehearsal” before the main event Low-stakes = low intimidation Clarifies needed skills for the student Re-enforces important class content
Road to Success
Further Resources