How much food do we waste?
Lets sort our lunchbox rubbish! Things you can scrunch e.g. Chippie packets, Clingfilm Chocolate bar wrappers Containers which hold things e.g. Bottles Yoghurt containers Paper and Cardboard Food Rubbish / Not sure (you can’t recycle this)
Let’s sort our food Avoidable food waste: Unavoidable food waste: Everyone eats it e.g. sandwiches; yoghurt, chips Unavoidable food waste: Most people don’t eat it e.g. Banana skins Orange skins Potentially avoidable food waste: Only some people eat them e.g. apple cores
This is the food thrown away by one school. What can you see?
This food was found in families rubbish bins This food was found in families rubbish bins. Shown here is 42 kilos of food. The average family throws away 79 kilos per year.
Food Waste Posters When designing a poster how do we want to motivate them to waste less? Make them feel sad or guilty? Inspire them with ideas for yummy food? Or tell them how much money they will save?
Food Waste Infographics
World War 1 Food Waste Posters