Welcome to Year 5/6 July 2018
About Year 5/6 Meet the team Curriculum Expectations Key skills Homework Opportunities for you to come in Questions
Meet the Team Mrs Jen Todd Class 9 Teacher Miss Emma Robson Year 5/6 experience Jen following children up Range of specialisms Male student teacher Experienced TA – full time afternoon support for booster and pre-teach groups Miss Emma Robson Class 10 Teacher Year 5/6 Leader and AHT Mrs Sarah Simon Class 11 Teacher Mon-Wed Mrs Sam Carter Class 11 Teacher Wed-Fri Mrs May Bowie Teaching Assistant Mr James Irving Class 10 Student Teacher
Curriculum Shows typical timetable - Interventions, booster groups, pre-teach sessions - Large team gives possibility for teachers to run these for maximum impact Two-year rolling cycle for topics - all children access same curriculum Split year 6 in spring term to prep for SATs Topics: Adventurers and Explorers, Portsmouth in the War, Ancient Egypt Exciting lessons
ADVENTURERS AND EXPLORERS Computing Audacity – designing and making a radio station Art and Design Totem poles – linked to history unit History Who were the Maya people? What was important about them? How have they influenced our lives? R.E. Christianity – themes, messages and lessons from the Christian story. French Moi, jeux et chansons – me, games and songs PSHE and P4C What defines a community? How can we contribute to the local and global community? P.E. Tribal Dance and Football
Expectations AUTUMN SPRING SUMMER LEVEL OF SUPPORT Learners are dependent Teacher instructs Learners are responsible Teacher guides Expectations are higher in 5/6 but won’t be chucked in at the deep end Explain model – this is for most but 1:1 needs considered Independence is key! Learners are resourceful LEVEL OF SUPPORT Teacher facilitates Learners are creative Teacher consults AUTUMN SPRING SUMMER
Key skills - Reading Guided reading taught 4 times p/w – opportunity to hear children read and teach reading skills Reading comprehension session once per week Continue with shelves and then free choice from library Class text as stimulus for writing – children read to weekly Reading record books – less opportunity to be heard at school Keep reading over the holidays – anything counts! Redlands reading challenge – range of authors / genres Oral story-telling Reading heroes
Key Skills – Writing Class text used as stimulus for writing – gives context A range of text types and styles covered WAGOLLS – regular opportunities to analyse good texts Regular drafting / editing sessions built in Cross-curricular opportunities – writing skills taught and refined in all subject areas Spelling and handwriting Meeting with author in Spring term Enrichment at Fareham Academy
Reports: What happened on Shackleton’s journey? Job applications: Do you have the skills to be a member of Shackleton’s crew? Reports: What happened on Shackleton’s journey? Narrative: How will Shackleton overcome dangers? Diaries: What was it like at sea with Shackleton? Follows the journey of Ernest Shackleton to the Antarctic – boat stuck Explanation texts: How would you design a ship for the excursion? Biographies: What should we remember about Shackleton’s life?
Key Skills – Maths Setting – allows year 5 and 6 to access separate curriculums Enrichment sessions to deepen learning and extend thinking Learning through problem solving – not just procedures Reasoning – not just a right answer Times tables are key – needed to access over 75% of year 5/6 curriculum Times tables taught and tested weekly
Homework Set on a Friday and handed in on a Friday (spelling test days will differ and be allocated in first week back) Weekly expectation: 4 x reading, 2 x key skills, times table and spelling practice Times tables and spellings – not checked weekly unless test scores dip Optional holiday projects Homework rewards
Opportunities to come in Maths and English workshops End of unit museums / displays Reading heroes – letter out in September Share a tray events Parents evenings Classroom support / school trips Any time you like!
Questions? Some time now for any questions Feel free to approach us on the playground after school any time, even before your child is officially in Year 5!