When is it okay? When is it sexual harassment? Flirting or Hurting? When is it okay? When is it sexual harassment?
Questions: Flirting: Is a good way to show interest in a person Helps you to know the other person better Makes you feel good about yourself All of the above Which of the following is not true of sexual harassment? It is illegal in school It is unwanted and unwelcome Boys are never victims It makes the victim feel embarrassed or ashamed
Questions: Sexual harassment can make a person Feel anxious and depressed Not want to go to school Suffer from low self esteem All of the above Which of the following is not true about boundaries? Everyone has the same boundaries Your boundaries can be different with different people You should stop if you accidentally cross someone’s boundaries Different people have different boundaries
What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment is unwelcoming, unwanted attention that is sexual in nature. There are several different types: Verbal: Making sexual comments/jokes/insults, spreading sexual rumors, talking about another person’s body, repeatedly pressuring someone to date you, calling someone gender-related names, teasing a person about his/her sexual orientation Physical: Touching/grabbing/or pinching, pulling at someone’s clothes, blocking or cornering a person, forcing someone to hug or kiss you Visual: Making obscene gestures or movements Cyber: Posting sexual pictures or comments on-line, spreading rumors and/or images using text messages, email or instant messages
Title IX of Educational Amendments of 1972 Is a federal LAW that protects ALL students from sexual harassment in school and during school-sponsored activities like clubs and sports teams. All schools must adhere to this law and have a plan for dealing with complaints of sexual harassment. Schools are required to put a stop to sexual harassment and prevent it from happening again. Students who report are legally protected from retaliation from the harasser. Schools can only stop this harassment if they KNOW about it…do not hesitate to report!
Know the Difference Flirting Hurting Is wanted and welcome attention Is two-sided Makes you feel attractive and liked Makes you feel in control Makes you feel good about yourself Makes you happy Is not disruptive Is acceptable in school Is unwanted and unwelcome attention Is one-sided Makes you feel threatened or bad Makes you feel powerless Makes you feel uncomfortable or ashamed Makes you scared or unhappy Interferes with your ability to concentrate Is illegal- in and outside of school
If It Happens to YOU Remember it is not your fault Trust your instincts Set a boundary Keep yourself safe Write it down Report it Don’t give up Ask for help
If You Accidentally Cross the Line Pay attention to signals Clear things up Don’t take it personally Take responsibility Change your habits
Facts Girls are more likely to be sexually harassed than boys. More students report non-physical harassment than physical. At least 70% of gay and lesbian students report being sexually harassed at school. The majority of students (85%) said that sexual harassment DOES happen at school.
Activity: What’s Okay? What’s Not Okay? 1 2 3 4 5 He/she asks you help with homework He/she sits next to you at lunch without asking if it’s okay He/she sends you more than 5 texts a day He/she gives you a neck massage He/she puts an arm around your shoulder He/she asks if you are dating anyone He/she tells others that he/she wants to date you
Talk with a trusted adult: If you need Help… Talk with a trusted adult: Parents Teachers Administrators Coaches School Nurse Reagan Middle School Support Staff: School Counselors: Mrs. Covell Mrs. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Piette Mrs. Jefferson School Administrators: Mrs. Turner Mrs. Kidwell Mrs. Alexander
Ways to see ME… Ask your teacher for a pass As your school counselor, I am here to support your academic and personal needs. If you need to talk about something occurring with you or you are concerned about a friend, there are many ways to let me know. Ask your teacher for a pass If I am unavailable fill out an appointment slip See me during lunch Stop by before homeroom or after school Send me an email at Fitzpael@pwcs.edu You can access on School Fusion from the Counseling page